Motion Lighting Rule

Hey, I've been using Hubitat for a while and I feel like I'm ok with it overall. That said, I'm not sure if the behavior I'm seeing is a bug or something that I'm misunderstanding.

I had a motion lighting rule that is intended to turn on lights in a bathroom (obviously based on motion). It actually works really well overall. One complication I have is that I want to be able to disable the 'turn off' component to account for folks in the shower, where the motion sensor does not reach. I think a second sensor in a small bathroom is overkill, even for me.

I have the inovelli red dimmer installed in the bathroom which has a variety of buttons available. I've been using button 7 (the small one above the LED strip) as the intended 'Button to Disable Off'. That seems to work at first (and I got crazy excited about it).

Eventually it stopped working. I checked the logs. Shortly after turning on due to motion, there is a log entry stating, "Not turning off: disabled by button". Seems straight forward except, I didn't push the button. In contrast, if I do, the log entry states, "Off disabled by Hall Bathroom Light Button 7". So this is clearly generated somewhere else.

I verified that there is no other button set to be utilized and that no other button is being pushed. I'm starting here but I'm also not certain if there's some phantom button that the inovelli dimmer switch is pushing on my behalf??

Anyone have any ideas or other ways to tackle this?

I do something similar to stop automation on some of my lights and it seems to work. When I set it up, I used HubiGraph to give me a visual of what was happening and it helped understand what was happening when I ran into an issue.

Question for you - How does the virtual switch get turned off?
Is button 7 setup to toggle it, or to turn it on only?
If you go to the Virtual switch under devices, you can see where it is used. That will show you is something else is triggering it...

Do you ever re-enable the motion sensing?

Here's how I have my motion lighting app setup.

As you can see I have my Pico remote's button 1 set to disable lights from turning off (i.e. motion sensing disabled).
Coincidentally I also have button 1 set to turn on my lights. So this means when you press the button to turn on the lights, they stay on.

And I have Pico button 5 to enable turning lights on/off (i.e. motion sensing re-enabled).
Similarly, I also have button 5 set to turn off my lights. Meaning the lights will turn off, but next time there's motion they'll turn on/off automatically.

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That's really interesting and fits the behavior I'm seeing. Good catch. I assumed that the 'disable' function was reset by the light being turned back on. I'll do some more troubleshooting with the screenshot you've provided. Thank you so much for the quick response!!

That was the one, @gamerkingfaiz! Thanks again!! With so many options, it's those little things that seem to trip me up.

Have a great New Year!

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Awesome--great to hear! Happy New Year to you as well. :fireworks: