I have at least one request and some commentary. After several months with HE and utilizing primarily control functionality I’m now adding some motion/presence automation.
TL;DR - is it possible to add a switch to temporarily disable motion-on? Called “Manual Off: Exit Time Delay” below. Yes, I know how to do it with adding a rule and a virtual switch. But I think it makes sense to be able to do it in the ML app.
I read a thread where Bruce said he didn’t want to add more complication to Motion Lighting. I get that. I do think there is an opportunity to simplify, streamline, and make ML more capable.
Light switches/dimmers with integrated motion sensors, smart or “dumb”, seem to all have 2 main operating modes with some sub-categories. Those modes are auto on/auto off and manual on/auto off.
For example, “dumb” Lutron motion sensor/dimmers (MSCL-OP153MH http://www.lutron.com/TechnicalDocumentLibrary/048480a.pdf). They have 4 programmable modes:
- Auto on/auto off. The default. Hubitat Motion Lighting does it (so does Simple Lighting)
- Auto on if low light/auto off. Light level is essentially the only condition. Motion Lighting does lux and adds mode and time conditions.
- Manual on/auto off. Also called Vacancy Mode. Hubitat Simple Lighting does it. Motion Lighting does not.
- Off while occupied mode. Auto on and auto off. But if the light is manually turned off while occupied, the light stays off while the occupancy sensor continues to be active. Think of a room with lights manually turned off to watch a movie. ML can’t do it without adding a RM rule.
The Lutron dimmers also have a “Manual Off: Exit Time Delay” where motion on is disabled for 25 seconds if the light is manually turned off. ML can’t do it without adding a RM rule. (This is the functionality of my request above.)
When moving from a “dumb” or “old” thing I believe it makes sense to be able to mimic the “old” ways as there is (usually) lots of history for the way those devices work. Some of the “old” is replaced and/or enhanced by “new” devices. Which Hubitat Motion Lighting does well. Being able to replicate standard flows also supports Hubitat’s goal of creating a “home automation platform upon which people can create the automations to elevate their homes”.
I get that that accommodating some of these functions in ML would require a fair amount of app restructuring. For example, to accommodate Vacancy mode, one would have to choose “Lights to Control” as compared to “Lights to turn On” and then have actions for sensor active and sensor inactive.
A potential simplification is to remove some existing options that are duplicative of a Button Controller app: “Buttons to turn on lights”, “Buttons to toggle on/off”, “Switches to turn on lights”, “Buttons to turn off lights”, and “Switches to turn off lights”.
I imagine a moderate-high level re-write would not be high on the priority list. But thanks for considering.