Motion Lighting query and incorrect documentation and wiki

I've got a query on the motion lighting app. Rule is below.

For turning on lights, what are the order of restrictions, and in what priority do the conditions evaluate?

For example, under "Options for Activate, Disable and Enable Lights-On" I have if the TV is on, that the light is to switch on. But I've also go another condition only if the light lux us less than 1000. (I've tested the light lux separately and it works well).

This rule turns on the lights if the TV is on, and does not take into account if the lux is <1000. Is this the intention? Are all conditions independent of one another, and each act as individual rules to be evaluated (without evaluation of other other conditions)????

If so, how would i get it such that the lights turn on with TV on AND lux <1000?

Error in rule wording

Also, there is an error in the app wording. Here is a screenshot. I believe it should say "Only if lux is below a level" (the other locations have it worded correctly).

Error in wiki

Moreover, the documentation is incorrect, or at least as per my use case. The illuminance has a range of 0-10,000. And the app works correctly if I put in 1000 (which is my preferred lux to turn on the lights). You may want to change the wiki at the location linked above.

This is not the intention. Looking at the code for this, it should not turn on the lights unless the lux value is correct. In fact, using the switch to activate runs the very same code as motion activating it. I will do some testing today to see if I can find a problem with this.

Thanks for catching this. Fixed for next release. Will correct the Wiki entry also.

To clarify. The "Switches to activate on" selection means that the lights will turn on when the selected switch is turned on. It does not mean "rule turns on the lights if the TV is on". Subtle difference. This activating the lights by turning on the selected switch DOES take into account the lux value specified.

I just tested this and confirm that it works as expected. If Lux is higher than the specified value, the lights will not turn on.