Motion Lighting Configuration

A bit of a tangential, but related query here. Because I have a ‘false’ condition that I like to have that is more complicated than ‘turn off after X minutes of no motion’ (I also want lights to turn off if the lux value goes above the threshold I set, regardless of motion), I have one of my rooms setup with two rules in RM (On Actions and Off Actions) and one with Motion Lighting.

Both the Motion Lighting app and the Rules work fine - however, it seems that the room with RM rules responds just a slight bit slower to turn on the light (Dim to 100% on motion with lux value below a threshold) than the Motion Lighting app.

Is this normal or am I just imagining things? BTW - this is just the perfectionist engineer in me - the WAF is still better than a Cloud roundtrip. :smiley:

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