Motion lighting bugs in

Anyone else seeing the following with Motion Lighting in ?

  1. "Use settings per mode" seems broken -- when choosing a dimmer to be turned on, there is no mode selection available. Just the level. (In other words, you can't choose levels per mode.)
  2. When selecting "Minutes to delay before off", the number you input in to the "Options for Additional Sensors, Lights-Off and Off options" configuration page is not updated on the top level configuration page. I haven't experimented yet to see if the number is actually respected, and just not updated on the top level config page.


@bravenel -- further information for issue #1 -- the following order does not display a mode selection:

  1. Create a new Motion Lighting app, set a name
  2. Click "Use settings per mode"
  3. Select a motion sensor
  4. Select a light to dim

However, if you flip steps 3 and 4 (select a light to dim before selecting a motion sensor), it displays the mode selection.

Thanks for reporting this. Problem found and a fix is on the way...

This bug has been fixed and released. Hub Update 2.1.0

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