Motion lighting and stopping the rule when physical button used

Hi I am trying to figure this out, I have 1 motion sensor in the kitchen, when this becomes active (between sunset and Sunrise), then the lights turn on. Once motion is no longer detected, then there is a delay of 1 minute and the light turns off. What I would like to do is, if the light switch is turned on "manually" the turn off part of the rule must not run. Then once you have turned the light "manually" off the rule must monitor again for motion.

Here is what I currently have

IF (Time between Sunset and Sunrise(T) [TRUE]) THEN
IF (Kitchen Motion Sensor (1) active(F) [FALSE]) THEN
Cancel Delayed Actions
On: Kitchen Lights
ELSE-IF (Kitchen Motion Sensor (1) inactive(T) AND
Kitchen Lights(off) is on(F) [FALSE]) THEN
Off: Kitchen Lights --> delayed: 0:01:00 (cancelable)

Just use the option "Don't turn off if already on".

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