Motion Control - Getting light to stay on

Thanks to everyone for all of the input.

Still frustrated. I can trigger the light to come on, and it turns off correctly after the 20min delay.
However, I cannot get the motion sensor to keep it on if there is still activity in the garage.

Here is the setup:

What do I need to do to have the motion sensor keep the light on if I am still working in the garage?

The first line of your Actions to Run needs to be:

Cancelled delayed actions

That should fix the issue you are encountering.

I would also recommend that you change your IF condition to Garage Motion inactive. Otherwise, if you move a lot and your motion sensor doesnโ€™t become temporarily inactive, your lights will turn off after 20 minutes.

Okay. I think I've got it:

Question: I don't understand the Cancel Delayed Actions; what exactly does that do?

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Cancel Delayed Actions will cancel any actions that have been delayed. This is important because rules will occur concurrently.

In your case, it will cancel the lights turning off 20 minutes after the first inactive motion event if the rule is triggered by motion coming on again, someone opening the door, etc.

Makes sense?

I believe so.

Thanks again!

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But wait!
More issues.
Have noticed that the light is not turning off sometimes.
Here is the log:

Can anyone tell me what is going on?

In your logs, the Garage Motion sensor never becomes inactive, so the code to turn off the lights after 20 minutes never executes.

Hmm. That is odd.
Any ideas why I should look at to resolve this?

Sorry. I meant what I should look at.

You should check the events on your motion detector: does it detect motion and end of motion events?

You can see this by clicking on the โ€œEventsโ€ tab within the Garage Motion Sensor device.

Check if the dates and times of the events match when there was motion.

Alternatively, you can check if the device reacts properly when you enter and leave the garage.

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all these issues sound to me like your mesh in garage is week.. do you have wall switches or extenders every 30 feet or so between garage and hub.. recommend at least one extender in the garage.

Yeah, the door contact and motion sensor are both Zigbee.
I will get another IKEA Tradfri repeater and place it in the garage.
I do have one outside the house in the furnace room - it is located below the hub (hub upstairs), and is approx 40ft and two walls to the garage.

you can just get any zigbee plug as well they pretty much all repeat and plug it in the garage and have an extra switch .. also recommend you put one on immediately the other side of the wall of the garage . i did.. garage to house walls are usually thicker and better insulated (ie like outer walls).
and can cause more problems.. i had problems with my zwave in the garage and still occasionally i can see based on the number of hops and signal strength.

Got a plug setup in the garage today.
\How do I know that devices are routing through it?
On the plug device page, there are no routing tables or link tables.

look at the settings/zwave info

Except it is zigbee....

And the zigbee details do not show very much

http://your hub ip/hub/zigbee/getChildAndRouteInfo

http://PUT YOUR HUB IP HERE /hub/zigbee/getChildAndRouteInfo



Thanks for the help!
Looks like no one is using the new plug for route hopping yet - does it take time?