Most successful presence detection?

  1. You need something to act as a hub at home. Apple TV, HomePod, or always-on iPad work. Also, your Hubitat hub needs to have a static IP on the local network.
  2. In Hubitat, create a "Virtual Presence" device for each person
  3. Install the "Maker API" application give it a label (e.g. "Presence Detection") and turn on "Allow Access via Local IP Address"
  4. In the "Select Devices," select all virtual presence sensor you created in step 2. above
  5. In the "Local URLs" section, click the "Get all Devices" link and write down the "id" values for each device
  6. In the Shortcuts app on iOS, select the "Automations" tab and for each device, create two automations:
    a. When "Person A Leaves Home" -> URL ("http://HubIP/apps/api/xxx/devices/yyy/departed?access_token=zzz") -> Get contents of URL (where xxx, yyy, and zzz are the values listed on the Maker API page on your hub)
    b. When "Person A Arrives Home" -> URL (as above, replacing "departed" with "arrived") -> Get contents of URL