Sorry but everyone is avoiding my question
Please explain to me how I add them as a trigger to a Google home routine
Sorry but everyone is avoiding my question
Please explain to me how I add them as a trigger to a Google home routine
I can't because the HE integration doesn't support them. How can I show you something that doesn't exist? If you want to develop your own smart home skill for Google Home, here's the docs on how to do it.
We're going in circles here.
I'm not asking you to show me HE integration. I've already written that I understand HE contact and motion sensors are not supported in Google Home or Google Assistant. I'm asking for you to clarify your statement quoted below, and show me how that is supported with ANY home automation platform in Google Assistant. I've googled it and I'm unable to find any documentation that says it's even possible in Google Assistant Routines. I probably am just not finding it though, so can you point me to documentation on how to do it that you've seen or explain how you figured it out?
You wrote...
When I look in Google Assistant Routines, this is all I see possible as a trigger. So I'm not understanding what is meant by "contact and motion sensors"
What I'm familiar with is how it's done in Alexa. So I'm expecting (but perhaps I should not), that it would be similar in Google Assistant. Sorry if I'm being dense. It wouldn't be the first time, and it won't be the last
In this real example from my Alexa app, this virtual motion sensor as a switch driver is triggered by a closing a switch in HE. Those particular reasons have nothing to do with this conversation. But the result is, Alexa sees a motion sensor has triggered, and the routine is then executed. How is the same thing possible in Google Assistant, from another platform where Google Assistant does support its motion sensors? I'm not asking for you to show me HE doing that in Google Assistant. Can you show me what platform can do it, because from the screen shot I posted, it doesn't look possible. I want to understand why, if it is indeed possible with some OTHER Google Assistant supported platform.
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