Monoprice motion sensor false events

In the last month I had a couple of monoprice sensors false triggering at night.

Wondering if anyone has clues. No pets and good battery level. Should I just invest in better sensors?

  • deviceType: 8194
  • zwaveSecurePairingComplete: true
  • inClusters: 0x5E,0x86,0x72,0x5A,0x85,0x59,0x73,0x80,0x71,0x31,0x70,0x84,0x7A,0x98
  • firmwareVersion: 8.2
  • deviceId: 517
  • MSR: [0109-2002-0205]
  • manufacturer: 265

Looks like this is lightly documented at PIR Sensor and there is a parameter for sensitivity. I used @mike.maxwell 's tool to make it less sensitive and see how it performs

dev:662020-12-01 13:07:13.985 infoConfigurationReport- parameterNumber:3, size:1, value:6
dev:662020-12-01 13:07:13.840 infoCommandClassReport- class:0x7A, version:2
dev:662020-12-01 13:07:13.696 infoCommandClassReport- class:0x70, version:1
dev:662020-12-01 13:07:13.553 infoCommandClassReport- class:0x71, version:4
dev:662020-12-01 13:07:13.412 infoCommandClassReport- class:0x73, version:1
dev:662020-12-01 13:07:13.264 infoCommandClassReport- class:0x85, version:2
dev:662020-12-01 13:07:13.118 infoCommandClassReport- class:0x72, version:2
dev:662020-12-01 13:07:13.047 infoCommandClassReport- class:0x5E, version:2
dev:662020-12-01 13:05:53.735 infoConfigurationReport- parameterNumber:3, size:1, value:4

Hopefully that works for you! I lost the manual for mine and also tried to find the parameters by searching for the VisionTek manuals, and I think parameters 1 and 3 were reversed, so the one that said it was timeout was really sensitivity, and vice versa. Unfortunately, I cannot find that manual anymore, and my device is sleeping (and mounted on the ceiling where it would be a pain to wake it up), so I can't reliably do a ConfigurationGet on it right now to see what I actually did. That manual appears different from the one I remember, however, so maybe it's correct. :smiley: Just one thing to consider in case it doesn't seem to work for you!

Hope so! I tried a get param and they values matched the default values on the spec sheet so I hope they are correct. I also ordered a couple of Hue sensors and I will probably dismiss the Monoprice ones anyway

Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of these. After trying a couple, I returned all the ones that I could (I bought a few at an attractive price, once hoping to go all Z-Wave when I switched from SmartThings and discovered that nothing else at the time did Zigbee quite as well--but Hubitat was released just months later). They're big and slow,so I've put mine outside, still reasonably protected, where I don't care about speed (or the occasional miss, which they also seem to do) ... and if it eventually goes bad, I'm OK with that. :slight_smile:

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