Modes and simple automation rules - mode time not changing

Use modes to set triggers for time of day (ie morning 545). Use simple automation rules to turn on some lights when that rule changed to ‘morning’. Rolled the mode time for morning from 6:15 to 5:45 a couple of weeks ago, but seems to not have changed. Any thoughts?

Looks like mode time for morning is 5:33 AM (not 5:45) on Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri.

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You don't need the additional restrictions to turn the lights on when mode changes. They both are fighting each other. As @pseudonym mentioned, based on your Mode Manager screenshot, the Morning mode changes at 5:33. Your rule would not trigger because you have the between two times restriction. So the mode changed, but the rule didn't trigger because it happened outside of your time restriction. Secondly, if your trigger is when the mode changes, you cannot restrict to the mode you are changing it to, because most likely the mode seen is the previous mode (Night, in your case).

Missed that. I can adjust/remove the restrictions from 5:45 to 5:33.

Question, not sure what is triggering still at 615 then?

Your Logs (past Logs) might tell you. Check this document for more details on best troubleshooting practices:

Mode is not switching. I have logging enabled in mode manager, but don’t see logs in the log area?

Can you share a screenshot of the Location tab under Logs page?

At 6:15

Thanks, one more screenshot. Click the gear icon on the Mode Manager app, then capture its Settings.

Also, unable to remove/reset the time from the restrictions I had set earlier?

Ok, I see the problem, however if you clear/remove the time manually, then select "No selection" from the menu options, it will let you clear it and allows you to click "Done."

No selection in the iOS mobile app or browser isn’t working.

I was able to clear out the times with the small x and click done.

It doesn't work as expected, I agree, but without clicking it, it would not let you click done, as the time is required field otherwise.

Gotcha. I'll confirm to see if the changes made will work tomorrow. Thanks!

I doubt, you still have the mode problem not changing at 5:33. Please click the gear icon on the Mode Manager app, then capture its Settings page. I am not sure why the mode didn't change at 5.33

So here is the problem with your mode not changing correctly:

Can you go back to Mode Manager app, then select 5:35 for the weekday time, to change mode to morning and click done? Then go back to settings and capture the schedule again.

Perfect, not sure what happened last time when you changed the time, but this time the change was applied.