Mode manager not triggering on presence

First, before I complain about anything, I must say that I've been LOVING my HE. I'm diving in and setting up all sorts of cool automations that I could never have dreamed of with my Vera. So kudos to the whole team, and I really appreciate the fact that you all are as present and responsive as you are. It's really great to see, and I'm happy to evangelize on your behalf!

Now, onto my current issue...I have Mode Manager set up to trigger modes based on time of day, and then also to trigger Away/Return based on Life360 presence. I assume this is a pretty commonplace configuration.

See that screen here:

It's been working in the past few days (I've only had my HE for a week!), but when I arrived home from work today, the logs show a successful Life360 arrival, and my "Spud presence" device shows "Present".

But no mode change.

I turned debugging on for the presence device, and it properly logs as leaving/arriving when I toggle it manually, but still, no change in mode. I've been watching the logs, and no errors show up. Just no feedback.

Since I had just updated to the hot fix, I checked/resaved all my Mode Manager settings for good measure. Toggled my presence off/on, still no mode change.

I created a "Select presence sensors to switch to Day mode" trigger, selecting "Spud presence" (even though this should be unnecessary with "Return from Away" on, right?). I toggled Spud presence off/on, and I heard one of my switches click off -- a sign that it worked!

Strangely, the logs page had stopped updating itself, and I was seeing no new entries. Similarly, my dashboard did not update to reflect the new mode. A quick refresh fixed both problems, but I'd never run into a problem with the streaming logs before, and of course the dashboard should always be doing live updating.

I've since removed the presence-for-Day mode trigger, and now the mode changes (and HSM updates accordingly).

So somehow my tinkering fixed the problem. I hate that.

I really don't like the notion -- especially from a security perspective -- that I might have to do some sort of configuration dance to make sure that Mode Manager is triggered properly when I come and go.

I've also noticed that Mode Manager doesn't seem to do any logging. That made it even more mysterious to debug. Is that right, or is something wonky?

I know this kind of report is often impossible to troubleshoot remotely, but if something stops working the way it had been, and I really don't feel like I'm doing something stupid, I figure it's better to report than to just shrug my shoulders.

I'm about to leave home, so I'll have some real-world testing in a few minutes, and then again in a few hours!

+1 for Mode Manager logging.

Mode Manager's an App and on the Apps page, thre's a blue circle with an i inside.. click toe one next to the app and you'll get a lot of status. Plus, up at the top, there's "Events" and that's where apps logging is found.. such as it is.

Does your "Events" tab actually have any events logged? Mine doesn't, despite actual changes in mode.

Not sure what's going on with your Mode Manager. It has been very reliable for most users, and I haven't heard this problem before. Having said that, I've been having fits with Life360 recently, which seem to be something on their end.

As for logging, mode changes are logged in Location Events. So while Mode Manager itself is not writing a log to Logs, the result of what it does shows up in Location Events.

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My mode manager is not changing. It was stuck in morning mode today and never switched to day.

How about showing screenshots of Mode Manger app setup page, and its app status page (circle i from Apps List). What is supposed to make it change to Day mode?

Just a simple set time.

Edit: Actually in this case it was when it went from away. So in the morning everyone left so the mode was set from morning to away. When someone arrived back home during day mode, HE set the mode to morning instead.

But I have also had issue with the mode not even changing when someone is already home.

Need to see Mode Manager setup page.

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I don't see where you selected Use Time for Return from Away. Did you set that?

How is the mode being set when someone returns from Away?

All of the time? Some of the time?

I update the pic I had selected the wrong one cause I turned it off temporary.

Seems to happen mostly from morning to day modes.

By life 360 Pixel 2XL and iPhone 6s.

Just something to note, for the last few weeks Life360 seems to be extremely latent. I’m in the house before my hub detects my presence and turns my front porch lights on. A few weeks ago it would detect me driving down the street and be on before I pulled in the driveway

I didn't start really using it until recently and this is exactly what I was experiencing also, so I was really disappointed in life360. But on top of that my modes were not changing even when it was working.

iPhone + HomeKit + homebridge is working consistently and reliably.

Modes for me would change but not from away back to whatever time of day based mode it was. After two different firmware upgrades I happened to delete mode manager and reinstall and set it back up and now they’re working correctly. Never did know what was wrong.

I'll have to try the same thing and see if it helps.

Still seeing issues, not sure if its Life360 or not but the mode does not change from Away to day, morning, evening. etc when someone arrives.

Today my wife got home and it never changed and I looked at life 360 on my phone and it shows that my wife is at the home location.

Edit: I did remove and re-add mode manager too.