Mode Manager Feature Request

It’ll need a separate set of triggers for return from away though. If I have “all presence sensors leave” as trigger for away, then I don’t want “all presence sensors return” for leaving away, it’d want to be “any presence sensors return” instead.

This might be easier with separate time of day modes, and “home/away” modes. Then the time of day triggers as usual, but you could use home/evening or away/night to accomplish different triggers.

Yes, of course. That could still be a settable option, although 99% of use cases are probably ALL leave ANY return. I could make ALL the default for Away, and ANY the default for return use-time.

You're traipsing into compound modes, which get pretty complicated pretty fast. That sort of crosses a threshold where use of rules starts to make more sense than something like Mode Manager.

Fair enough. I was just looking for time of day adjustments initially, so if that’s solved for now, I’ll look forward to it being available in the next update, maybe. :wink:

Haha, I can picture the code, but need to actually do it to see. I like features that simplify setup, so this one makes the list....

Like this (could be done per day also):

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This feature has been released in the latest build, You can use the time settings for returning from Away.

That was quick! Thanks.

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once you set the time settings for returning from away to on the rest of the set modes based on presence dont show any more:

It’s throwing an error. Please do that again with logging on, and show me the error.

Thanks, I just reproduced it. Argh.

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eh ... its only code :slight_smile:

You’ll love this: At the last minute I broke a long line of code in the middle, and a + was on the second line. That + evidently had to be on the end of the first line.

Like I said, argh…

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couple of nights ago my laptop locked for a second while switching to the IDE after typing something else in a text editor. from IDE saved and pushed code to github. in the morning user posted code does not work. checked the error: method not found getSpause() ... getS is what I had last typed in the text editor before fast switching to the IDE.


@bravenel @patrick

As you guys are finding bugs with each version of firmware release, can support go back to the post that announce the fw release to add updates to include known bugs/workarounds for that version of FW? Would be nice to see that lists of issues so we can decide to take the fw or not.

Just a thought…

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@bravenel, would it be possible for the modes set by buttons to also have the option to "use time settings for return from away"? We don't really use presence right now as it is not reliable, but we do use buttons. So button 1 pressed on both our fobs sets Away and what I would like is for button 1 held to return to the proper mode based on the mode time settings.

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Reasonable request. Will take a look...


Thank you! :smiley:

This feature will be in the next release.