Mode changer not changing to Day mode in the morning

I want mode change from Night to Home at sunrise but it seems to not be doing it. Looking at my set up can anyone see where I have gone wrong please.

So I just want to go to Home if any of us are home. The only thing I can think of is that to set Home mode is when any of the sensors 'Arrive' to me I would want the option for any sensor currently 'Present' then set Home mode :confused:

Well, you have the setting "Enable time setting for return from Away" but you don't have any presence sensors selected to set to Night mode. Did you return after 8:30 pm the last time? I suspect the house was left in away mode all night. You want to make sure that the system can return to home or night mode (if you're going to use both of them).

Also, if your're not going to use it, delete the Evening mode. it's just going to confuse things for you. If you're not going to use it, remove it. Otherwise, use it.

What mode is your house in now? Make sure you have the right starting point, otherwise nothing is going to work.

You say the house didn't change to home at sunrise....what mode was it in? you don't say.

So it read in night mode all night and charges over to night mode no problems.

I just changed around some rules so will see if that changes anything tonight.