Mode Change Not Working for just Day mode

I am new to Hubitat so maybe this is easy but I don't know how to troubleshoot. I am using Mode Manager, I set Day to start at Sunrise, Evening to start at Sunset, and Night to start at 11pm. Evening and Night work as expected, but the mode never switches from Night to Day. I added an earlier of 2 times to Day, both sunrise and 7am, and it still doesn't switch at either sunrise or 7am. My location seems ok since sunset works. Nothing in the logs, it is as if the sunrise event never happens. Any ideas? Some of the settings in the info I don't see a way to change, like endingNight.


Mode Manager DayBuilt In App


Name Type Value

atTime11Day time 07:00 AM
atTime11Night time 11:00 PM
atTime21Day time 07:00 AM
endingDay enum Sunset
endingEvening enum A specific time
endingNight enum Sunrise
endingPEvening time 10:59 PM
ignoreModes enum ["Away"]
leaveArriveDay enum arrive
leaveArriveEvening enum arrive
leaveArriveNight enum arrive
logging bool true
pAnyAllEvening enum any
presEvening capability.presenceSensor Mark’s XS, Mark
returnSensors capability.presenceSensor Mark
startingDay enum Sunrise
startingEvening enum Sunset
startingNight enum A specific time
startingPNight time 11:00 PM
time11Day enum Sunrise
time11Evening enum Sunset
time11Night enum A specific time
time21Day enum A specific time
timeOnlyDay bool true
timeOnlyEvening bool true
timeOnlyNight bool true
type1Day enum Earlier of two times
type1Evening enum Certain time
type1Night enum Certain time
useTimes bool false
Event Subscriptions

Source Event Handler Filter

Mark presence presenceHandler true
Mark’s XS presence presenceHandler true
Office (Location) sunrise sunriseHandlerNew false
Office (Location) sunset sunsetHandlerNew false
Office (Location) mode modeHandler false
Application State

Name Value

earlier {Day={notSet=true}}
shadowMode Day
str Day: Earlier of two times, Sunrise or 7:00 AM Evening: at Sunset Night: at 11:00 PM Modes to ignore time changes: Away
strP Evening: Mark, Mark’s XS arrives between Sunset and 10:59 PM PDT
updated true
updateIgnore true
Scheduled Jobs

Handler Next Run Time Prev Run Time Status Schedule

timeHandlerNew 2019-07-03 11:00:00 PM PDT 2019-07-02 11:00:00 PM PDT PENDING 0 0 23 * * ?

Never mind, I used an RM rule as a workaround, and for some reason sunrise is recognized by RM, just not Mode Manager.


My modes stopped switching according to programming a few days ago; a couple days after "falling back" to DST. I could manually switch the modes. If I remember correctly, I had just upgraded HE to version; I'm now on

I looked at the Mode Manager Status and noticed two interesting column values under Scheduled Jobs. Prev Run TIme values were dated "2020-11-08 ...". That's probably when the modes last worked. Most interesting, Next Run Time values were all dated "203x-..." ("x", I think was "5").

I went to Settings and created an additional, dummy mode and then programmed it in the Mode Manager app. Looking at MM Status, I found that the Next Run Time values are all what I would expect, "2020-11-1x ...". I deleted the dummy mode and Next values still seem correct.

I'll find out at sunset if modes start automatically switching again!

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Yes, this worked. Modes are switching again.