Mobile app not showing correct mode or HSM status

Hi all, I'm wondering if anyone else is having this issue. My hub is definitely in Away mode, but the mobile app is showing a different mode. The HSM is incorrect too, showing disarmed when it's actually armed. I'm able to connect to the hub via remote admin and verify. Is there a way to refresh the mobile app to show the correct mode?

I believe the Modes mismatch issue was reported once or twice as well as the HSM issue over the past week, so staff are aware. And although I definitely witnessed this happening on my Android app, it has since shown itself to be in sync since updating to Build 2.0.4 (260).

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How does one acquire the latest build?

It is a known issue. The beta version of the Android app has both issues fixed for me.

Just by waiting for the periodic refresh/update from Google Play Store. At least in my case. Also, I haven't done extensive testing using Cloud connections, thus cannot speak authoritatively on that variable.

Thanks for the info. I did search but I'm guessing in the wrong area, as all I could find was topics relating to device statuses not updating.