Missing - Install user app button

I've imported some apps code and drivers code, but I can't install because my install user app button is missing. I've rebooted the hub, reloaded the chrome browser, tried the edge browser.

I've searched the community and support docs and came up empty.

Thanks for the help!!

install user app|690x346

It's still there for me, what version are you running on the hub?

C-7 hub version

Hmmmm, I'm on the same version, but on a C-4 I think it is. I wouldn't expect it to be something like that.

Have you seen it there previously? Maybe try uninstalling the app code you mentioned in the original post...

If it's really causing you a problem you could try doing a restore, but I would suggest trying any options you have before resorting to that.

Do you have extensions installed in the browser that could mess with the page layout? Maybe try chrome incognito mode?

It is definitely there on my C-7.

Just to ask the stupid question, are you sure that there is a user app to install? Open the Apps Code selection in the upper left corner “hamburger” menu, see if any User Apps are listed to be installed. Perhaps you loaded apps into the Drivers Code by mistake. Some of us have made that mistake at least once.

Edit: Apps Code in the left sidebar. Didn’t realize from my glance at your picture that you weren’t just browsing to the Hub’s IP, but were using the app. I only access the admin stuff by browsing to the Hub IP. You might try that, too.


Ding Ding Ding! didn't have the child app installed!



If nothing else, it's good to have the behaviour and the reason recorded. Shame they don't leave it there and just grey it out...

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@donnie - I'm coming late to this party. But welcome to Hubitat!

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