Misbehaving Zigbee sensors (Iris Motion Sensor IL07 3rd Generation)

How many mains powered Zigbee repeaters do you have? I have over 20 Iris sensors and they all work great but I also have a string Zigbee mesh with 30 mains powered switches.

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Probably just a couple. Thing is I never had problems with them whatsoever in their current locations until I switched to Hubitat.

You definitely sound as if you have a weak mesh.... I would throw a couple of repeaters in there (the sengled oval outlets make great ones)


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I don't think my mesh is weak as nothing has changed other than switching platforms and all my devices worked fine before. I did have a thought just now... I had left my ST hub still running in order to make sure I had all the devices migrated properly. I wonder if that could cause some interference since they are in close proximity to each other. I just shutdown the ST hub and will see if that makes a difference.

That brings to mind, what channel is your zigbee on on HE and what channel is your AP on?

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They are not on the same channel

But what channel is your zigbee mesh set to on HE?


Not the same zigbee radio or antenna as SmartThings, so you are going to see differences in signal propagation (I know I did way back when I switched). Best to just add a couple good repeaters and see if it solves your problem.

At this point after unplugging the ST hub I haven’t had any hiccups. crossing fingers

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What channel is your wifi ap on?

2.4 ghz is on 11 and 5 ghz is 48.

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Good, 20 is away from that. Hope it solves it :slight_smile:

Oh absolutely. I was running through troubleshooting and we just overlapped is all. :slight_smile: Likely it was interference. I had just started on router vs zigbee channel when you came up with turning off the ST :slight_smile: Like I said, glad you got it working! :slight_smile:

And your Hubitat is on zigbee channel 20?

That’s actually really close - WiFi channel numbers and zigbee channel numbers are not part of the same sequential series.

If your WiFi router is using 40 MHz wide channels, you’ll definitely have interference. And even otherwise will have occasional issues.

See this article:


Shutting down my ST hub completely fixed my misbehaving sensors.