Migration to C8

I think maybe you meant omnidirectional? I think the guidance is to keep them vertical and not too close to a 2.4ghz wifi AP but that's all I've seen.

yes i did thanks.. that is how mine are.. my downstairs wifi router is about 15 feet away and hasnt caused any zigbee issues. but i am very careful what channel my wifi is on vs. my zigbee.

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so far direct 80 out of 91. repopulated pretty quickly i have a lot of devices..
lights on automations with ecowitt door sensors where really slow the first time.. like 30 secs before they worked.. now instant.. assume it was rebuilding routes for those as i already tested the lights directly and they were fast.


Migration was smooth here. Well done Hubi folks!

Have not found any problems yet. My only two Cloud Apps that clearly need special re-setup handling are ActionTiles and Google Home from what I can tell so far.


Keep us posted on how your Google Home re-setup goes. My C-8 is in the mail and I expect that I will have to re-setup the Google Home app also. I am using the built-in Google Home app on an Android phone. I expect I may have to unlink the Hubitat service from within the Google Home mobile app and then add it as a new device/linked service.

2 C- 8 up and running. The only issue is a c-5 remote running hubconnect will not come online.


No you should not need to do this. You may just need to refresh it on Google home and log in again. I have mine only setup for testing with a couple devices but it carried over. Same with Alexa, came right over smoothly.

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Are you using the community Google Home app or the built-in Google Home app?.... or does it make a difference? I am presently using the built-in Google Home app.

Both, the community app requires some extra steps. I believe the built in one carried over easily, possibly had to log in on the Google Home app again.

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That’s not very well hidden from your wife, who will realize that you bought yet another hub.


After migration to the C8 I reenabled the Google Home app on Hubitat, I noticed on frequent repeating error in Hub logs for the Home app. Went to my phone, opened the Android Home app. Trying to update the existing connection to Hubitat didn't work. So I chose Unlink to remove the Hubitat connection and devices then I reconnected just like initial setup. All my devices were back in Home and working right away.


I'm using the community Google Home integration, and all I had to do was replace the hub UID in the Google Home setup...I posted the info here:

Aside from that I went into the Google Home app, Settings>Works w/Google, tapped the integration and chose the Re-connect Account option, and chose my new hub. That was all it took for me.


She's working in her office, and has walked by it (3' away) several times now.

C-8: "Look at me, I'm hiding in plain sight!!" :wink:

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In the documentation I believe it refers to this as a β€œ1% problem.”

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Nice! Now I know I do not even need to redesign that one, just add some labeling into it for C-8 also.

I did not even get a chance to start checking with my own yet.

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Fits perfectly w/the C-8, zero issues. The open yet secure design is a winner!

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I have my hubs mounted on a laptop cooling pad with two fans using Command strips, and that pad is itself mounted to the wall. They rarely get over 103. the C4 used to get up into the 130's. That's why it was retired.


c8 would not mount that way as they recommend anntenas go up or down and they dont bend.

Did notice the new c8 seems to run about 10 degrees hotter than the old c7.

thanks for making me look.
since mine is on a flat glass shelf thiniking of trying one of the xbox usb cooling pads as i dont have room for a bigger laptop one.. Will see if it is too noisy.


If you can get power to it, maybe a small Noctua fan velco'd to the glass next to the hub? :slight_smile:

Or you could go w/@lewis.heidrick's custom cooling case w/external antenna support. Though it doesn't appear to support the location of the C-8 antennas. Maybe he'll update it at some point?



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