Migration from SmartThings - Guide?


My hub arrived today (UK) and I'll be starting to move things over to Hubitat over the never few days.

I use actiontiles extensively, so I think this will be something I'll need to retain SmartThings for.

Is there a recommended approach or best practice for migrating from smartthings?

I have some announcements that play on various sonos speakers via bigtalker is there anything similar similar in hubitat?



SmartTiles is compatible but I don’t know that ActionTiles is yet.. you need to ask the author

BT has not been ported yet as we don’t have TTS (think it’s coming in the next release)

You could use mp3 event player while you are waiting for TTS


You can use our built-in Hubitat Dashboard to replace ActionTiles. It covers virtually all of the functionality.

TTS is released. See Hub Update 1.0.8

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Thanks so much for the quick replies!

I've moved successfully my first motion sensor and set up a basic lighting rule!

I have a number of single fibaro switches. I see a device handler for the dual but not for the single though unfortunately.. any ideas how I could get these working?

This will probably work with one of the generic zwave switch drivers.

Sadly they don't work..
