Meaning and use of endpoint

Below is an excerpt form TWick's Fibaro RGBW ST driver. It uses a command that includes "sourceEndPoint"
I've seen other code with similar references to "sourceEndPoint" and "finalEndPoint"

By question is what are EndPoints in this context and why would one use them?

I've scoured the ST documentation and it defined endpoints as a external URL address. So why would one use in HE on a dimmer that has no url to my knowledge?



def createEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.multichannelv3.MultiChannelCmdEncap cmd, Map item1) {
def encapsulatedCommand = cmd.encapsulatedCommand([0x26: 1, 0x30: 2, 0x32: 2, 0x33: 2])
if ((cmd.sourceEndPoint >= 1) && (cmd.sourceEndPoint <= 5)) {
	// we don't need color report,  don't do anything
} else {
	if (encapsulatedCommand) {


" node MUST advertise support for Multi Channel Command Class only if it implements End Points."

"A Z-Wave node is conceptually an application resource in a plastic box communicating via a Z-Wave radio. Composite devices pack multiple application resources in the same plastic box, thus sharing the same Z-Wave radio. Application resources can always be addressed individually. Within a network, a Z-Wave node is identified by its NodeID. The NodeID represents the plastic box and the radio. Multi-resource devices are organized as Multi Channel End Points. Each application resource is identified by its own unique End Point. The plastic box itself is referred to as the Root Device. Multi Channel Encapsulation allows a sending node to specify a source End Point and a destination End Point. Further, the destination End Point may be structured as a multicast mask, targeting up to 7 End Points by one command."

There's a lot more in the spec but I think those quotes pretty much explain it from a driver viewpoint.


Again, many thanks. This clears up a lot.



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