MCOHome OS11 Presense Sensor

I recently purchased an MCOHome OS11 Presence Sensor. I was able to commission it and set it up for testing when the 2.3.9 release came out. Sometimes the sensor works well, but other times it stays active for a long period (1 hour or more) even when the room is unoccupied. I’m not sure what could be the problem.

Image 02-03-25 at 3.44 PM 2

I also noticed that the OS11 has an option for Switch Control. What does this switch do? Should it be controlled by motion or by the hub?

It looks like you have all your sensitivity settings maxed out, and that would explain it staying on for so long. It is seeing something at that sensitivity.

I have a different brand, but similar settings. I cannot use the breath setting anywhere, as things will trip it. I know that the dishwasher is one of those things when it is on dry cycle.

Is your room 50 feet wide? These can detect into other rooms. I set mine to the distance to the edge of the room, from the sensor.

Even with breath and the distance set correctly, I usually have to go one step down on sensitivity on my sensors, but you don't really have that on yours.

Mine are dialed in now and they work really well to get the lights off right after we leave, and they stay off. They still sense enough motion to keep the lights on even when we are not seemingly moving much at all.

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Hi there, room is about 16ft wide (asume I should adjust detection range 16). Looks like i will have to adjust settings.

Hi there,

I took some time to adjust the settings on the MCOHome OS11 and test what works best.

To help troubleshoot, I activated the green LED light to blink whenever the sensor detects motion. I noticed that the sensor often turns on, then after 15-20 seconds (set for testing), it turns off and back on again unpredictably. To reactivate it, I have to go near the device and wave my hands several times about 10 inches away before the light blinks again. This happens repeatedly.

Sometimes, the opposite happens—the sensor does not detect motion even if I wave my hand very close to it. Then, after a few seconds, it suddenly detects motion and works again, only to get stuck later. This cycle repeats many times throughout the day.

The device is installed in the center of the ceiling in a 200 sqft room with a 9.2 ft ceiling height. It is powered by 110V.

I have tried adjusting the coverage settings using the Basic Z-Wave Tool, ranging from minimum to medium, enabling and disabling breathing mode, minor movement detection, and other settings. However, the results are inconsistent. The sensor sometimes activates without any movement or stays off even when I wave my hands directly under it.

Could this be a defective unit, a firmware issue, or a driver problem? any feedback will be appreciated.