Hi All,
Noob here, new HE owner. Having fun and enjoying all the posts here. I have managed to port over all my devices from Wink hub. They have all been Zigbee and Z-Wave. I also got the drivers from the community for the LIFX Strips I have as under cabinet lighting. Now I'm looking to see if anyone has created drivers for Martin Jerry Dimmer switches. They are wifi (LAN) switches. I bought them from Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07HJSJ6VG/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Here is a link to the manufacturers website - http://www.martinjerry.com/sd01support
I found some code on github for another hub. esphome_martin-jerry-mj-sd01-dimmer/martin_jerry_mj_sd01_dimmer.yaml at master ยท mjoshd/esphome_martin-jerry-mj-sd01-dimmer ยท GitHub
I haven't found anything here for the HE hub. I'm no coder but just for kicks I took this code and pasted into a new driver page and hit save. Of course I got an error.
I was wondering if anyone here had the skills to port this over.
Looking forward to any responses.