Maker API URL help

Since my hubitat app keeps insisting I'm home, while being nowhere near, I'm trying to get tasker to send webhooks to a virtual presece sensor, but I keep getting error messages. Even locally I can't get it to work.
The URL I'm using is:
I have confirmed that the Maker API ID is indeed 346, the sensor is 527, the token is copied from the maker API page, and the virtual device is selected in the maker API. I still keep getting this message:

{"error":true,"type":"java.lang.Exception","message":"An unexpected error occurred."}

Does anyone have some advice?

I dont think the "command" part should not be there, the [ ... ] means you should put the name of the command to execute there not the word command. The secondary value I assume would be if the command takes any parameters, which this does not.

/apps/api/[App ID]/devices/[Device ID]/[Command]/[Secondary value]?access_token=
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Yep, that fixed it. Thank you!!!

Morale of this story, don't believe everything chatGPT says...

"Don't believe everything you read on the internet" needs to be amended with
"and don't trust anything from AI"

There are examples right in the Maker API app at the bottom, that is what I just looked at.

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now onto the real issue, why does HE think you're home even when you're not? how big is your radius on your geofence in the app?

No clue. Even when I was at work (19 km away), the app showed me being at home. The radius is as small as I can make it.

I've given the app on my android phone access to location. Does it need to have exact location access enabled?