I've been running a script that exports data from the maker api and after I updated my c-7 hub on 9/28 the Maker API has started to become slower every request. Eventually my hub will lock up and Ill get warnings about CPU usage. The only fix I've found is to call the api less and reboot the hub.
Here is a graph from the last 10 months of response time from the Maker API in seconds.
The only correlation I've been able to find is the hubs free memory going down.
(last 24 hours) notice how the maker api response time is still going up steadily.
also here is a screenshot of my app stats page
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What exactly are you doing with this call into Maker API. Clearly that is the busiest process on the hub based on your app stats.
I would be really surprised if memory was going to be a problem it looks like your memory is pretty high so though it is going down a little bit, it isn't to bad.
I have a script that calls into the all devices endpoint.
Then it calls the device details endpoint for each device and grabs some data.
This gets called every 10s and stores the data into Prometheus for dashboarding in Grafana.
Its based off this project GitHub - BudgetSmartHome/hubitat2prom: Use the Hubitat.com Maker API to present Prometheus Metrics
I've had this running for almost a year now without any issues.
I should also note, I'm seeing an increase in response time with all calls into the maker api.
Even just a single device
/apps/api/14/devices/[Device ID]
One thing i would ask is why 10 seconds. It looks like the default for that project was 30 seconds. I have had bad experiences with trying to push too many requests through Maker API. Generally it has presented similar to this where it gradually can't keep up and eventually the hub takes a dump. It was simply about the amount of calls being pushed through.
One big difference in the scenario I am talking about is I was pushing updates through Maker API every 12 seconds. I would think it would be easier to do what you are asking though.
Thanks for taking a look! let me know if you need anymore information.
I don't have a good reason why 10s. That's just what I use for all my Prometheus jobs. I do like the resolution I get from that sample rate though.
Doing some reading that seems like a common issue with sending too many request. I have plans to cache the all device endpoint to help reduce the calls but haven't had the time to update the code.
Yes I could see how pushing updates could cause issues but this is only reading data. Which has normally been super fast.
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Here are some recent graphs, keep in mind I have reduced the device count to a few temperature sensors to help keep the hub alive while this issue is being sorted out.
With CPU
Pretty cool. How are you measuring/calculating the response time ms? Seems like something I should be doing, too.
When Prometheus scrapes the exporter script (converts the json from maker API to a format prometheus reads) it creates a meta metric called scrape_duration_seconds
will then show how long prometheus took to complete the call.
I plan on adding some other metrics too based on each individual call the script makes, once I do that I will probably release the code to github.
I have not restarted the HUB since ~10/12/23
Response time continues to grow.
"freeOSMemoryHistory Free OS" is at 330000. This is trending down.
CPU usage for today so far
That's pretty interesting. I'm not seeing the same thing - I do 100% of my control and monitoring via Maker API (to Home Assistant and Node-Red - two separate Maker API instances).
I forget, have you tried a soft reset to make sure you don't have database issues on the hubitat side?
Here is what I'm seeing (Maker API get devices call in Node-Red every 5m, then I store the response time in HA for trending):
The big spike is what it reported when I reboot the hub. The flatline is where I turned off the collection as I was troubleshooting something else hub related and wanted to minimize variables.
EDIT: Was was doing
I'll change it to the following and see if it makes a difference. Side note, I never do devices/all, as in the past it did bad things versus using "*" (no idea if that is true any more, haven't tested it in years):
The bulk of the slowness comes from the individual device api calls
My script calls /apps/api/14/devices?access_token=
to get all the device IDs
It then loops through them all calling /apps/api/14/devices/[Device ID]?access_token=
So for every extra ms it takes to get the device details the total response time will be multiplied by the number of devices.
Currently I have reduced the device count to 11.
So 1 call to apps/api/14/devices
and 11 calls to /apps/api/14/devices/[Device ID]
takes ~6000ms to complete in total (~500ms per call)
I have not tried a soft reset. I will try it now!
For reference, my devices/* call which gets every attribute on every device added to Maker API (90+ devices on mine) only takes about 450-500ms.
It may be more efficient for your code to do that instead of individual calls... Dunno - you know your code better than I would.
Or maybe my hardware/network is more performant and the speed difference is on the client side, not the hub? Just thinking out loud. My node-red client is in a VM running on an AMD 5600X CPU.
You may be right on the /* call, I think I had to use the per device call because not all attributes I wanted were listed but they were on the per device call. I remember being annoyed about that haha.
Hardware/network could be an issue somewhere, I cant fully rule it out. A hub reboot shouldn't impact latency in that case I would think though.
devices/* does the exact same thing as devices, but for all devices. Same response format.
devices/all (historically - again, maybe it has changed?) gave a very different response with different fields and formatting.
/* does seem to return all the data. I might try a test with this in my script.
I just did a soft reset. lets see what happens with that.
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OKAY I finally got some time to test the /* endpoint and it works a good bit better. Takes the same amount of time as the single device call. Going to wait and see if the response time continues to grow over time with this new endpoint.
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