Maker API - passing map/json object via "secondary value"

Suppose I want to overwrite a particular lock code via Maker API.. How would I pass the multiple secondary values via the call?[DeviceID]/setCode/[not sure what goes here]?access_token="xxxxxxxx..."

Assume need - "code position", "name" & "code" or something to that effect. Is this possible?

Or do I need to do a POST to the API and put the contents in the body?

Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Am I missing something?

So passing a map/json object as part of the RESTFul call to the Maker API has never come up in any other circumstance?

I will email support + figure out another way of handling via an app I guess.

Thought it would be more straightforward...

The problem is that it's not a single parameter. So, I don't think a simple GET call will work.

I was a little sad that no one had any thoughts on this.. I'm sure there will be other examples in the future. You could include the map pairs as parameters maybe but that seems a little limiting.

My work around is to have a virtual switch that an external service can set via maker that my app will respond to, querying the external service as to what to do next then do it.. if that makes any sense.