Lutron Telnet TIMECLOCK device?

@bravenel , as the Lutron Telnet app is now receiving and logging recevied TIMECLOCK messages, has there been any thought toward adding a "Lutron Timeclock" device, and a code for the Lutron Telnet app, so that Hubitat could process those incoming messages?

It sure would be nice to be able to have a Rule trigger on "Lutron Timeclock changed". Thanks!

You're the first person to ever bring this up. Could you explain the use case? Isn't the Lutron Timeclock redundant to scheduling the hub does itself?

I suppose it is redundant, if all you're using it for is to indicate the passage of time-based (or solar-based) events.

But, the overall Lutron TIMECLOCK system can be so much more than that. A configured system can include lots of other modes (the defaults are "Vacation", "Alternate", and "Normal", with more possible), with each mode having its own set of specific timeclock events.

A full(er) TIMECLOCK integration could allow interrogation and setting of the overall mode, as well as interrogation and setting of individual events. Knowing when someone (or something) has triggered the Lutron system into a whole different set of planned events outside of HE could be vital to having HE integrate properly into the system.

Hey, easy for me to say, 'cause I don't have to write it. :grin:

OK. That's pretty much what I expected you to say. :sunglasses:

I'll take a look at it...