Eventually a bridge deal comes up on eBay. It is worth it. As mentioned, the basic Picos are just $15 per remote, sometimes less. I got the kit with the Claro wall plate, the cool Lutron wall adapter the let’s you mount it flat on a wall to look like there’s a box there, or over an existing box, and a 5 button Pico for just $15 CAD ($12 USD) on an Amazon special recently. Before that I got the same kit on an Amazon warehouse deal for just $20 CAD. It had never been opened! I even got a black 5 button Pico on a warehouse deal for just $25 CAD. Normally they are $70 CAD. Again, it was brand new, never opened.
You do realize that the Pico alone have up to 10 capable buttons per remote right? You can also do combos within the same remote of hold for a second function on some buttons and smooth dimming on the others. Can’t do that with Zigbee remotes. Plus you won’t have to change the batteries for 10 years!
Anyway, you make your own choice of course, but nobody that ever invested in the bridge for Hubitat has come back on here and had anything but good things to say about their decision.