Lutron Connected Bulb Remotes

Are they still linked to your Wink hub and using shortcuts? Or, are did you pair them to the Hue bridge. I tried pairing mine to the Hue directly with no luck. I can pair the CBR to Hubitat but they they won't do anything. I have around 4 of them laying around and just figured I could use them for the Hue stuff that I had. I found that if I paired it directly with the bulb, it kicked the Hubitat connection off.

generically, that's exactly how they are used.

You pair them to the Lutron hub, identify them in the Hubitat Integration (Lutron's hub gives them a device number, so you have to tell Hubitat what that number is,) and give it a friendly name. From then on, you just use it in Rules or Apps. It's just another device.. but it's a button device, so there's Apps that offer the features for buttons to be used.

Logs would look like:

dev:838 2019-12-17 11:54:45.042 am info Office WallSwitch was turned on [digital]
app:805 2019-12-17 11:54:44.369 am info Turning On: [Office WallSwitch]
dev:766 2019-12-17 11:54:44.138 am info Office Pico button 1 was pushed
dev:774 2019-12-17 11:54:44.105 am info rcvd: DEVICE,2,2,4
dev:774 2019-12-17 11:54:43.695 am info rcvd: DEVICE,2,2,3
dev:838 2019-12-17 11:54:43.491 am info Office WallSwitch was turned off [digital]
dev:838 2019-12-17 11:54:43.465 am info Office WallSwitch was turned off [digital]
app:805 2019-12-17 11:54:39.976 am info Turning Off: [Office WallSwitch]
dev:766 2019-12-17 11:54:39.866 am info Office Pico button 5 was pushed
dev:774 2019-12-17 11:54:39.837 am info rcvd: DEVICE,2,4,4
dev:774 2019-12-17 11:54:39.692 am info rcvd: DEVICE,2,4,3

(Read from the bottom up)
Shows a button was pushed then released. That is detected by a Rule, that turns on a light. Then another button on the same Pico was pushed, released, turning the light off.

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I can understand why. It is discontinued with Wink. I was just wondering if anyone had the drivers from Wink that could be tweaked for HE Zigbee to use as a button controller. There are a lot of Wink users that have loads of those remotes and that is why they are sticking with Wink. I was on the fence. I only had 4 or 5 of those but lots of Picos anyway. I was able to switch everything to HE that worked before except those CBRs. I was even able to use IFTTT with my Nest account to trigger lights in HE so taking the leap from Wink wasn't too painful.

I will have to try that out or sell them.

This isn't really a driver issue. I don't have any of these but believe it works similarly to the remote mentioned in this thread as well as others from Ikea and similar ones that are also not supported, and this is the issue there:

They are on the Hue bridge. I don’t use the Wink hub anymore. The Connected Bulb Remotes are going to touchlink pair with the Hue. They will not show up in the Hue app like a Hue remote does, but they will be authorized with the bridge, so when you pair the remote to a bulb that is already paired with the bridge, the remote will not steal that pairing away from the bridge.

The net result is that both the bridge and the remote can control the bulb. It’s not perfect, but it’s pretty darn good and you have a remote that can control the bulbs, no matter what’s going on with the Hue bridge or the Hubitat hub at any given time.

Factory reset the remote and then follow this procedure. It works. I’m able to repeat this process again and again with what he showed me in the video.

@glockberg - yes. That's exactly how I have setup on my system. Lutron Pico remotes paired to the Lutron Pro bridge & configured on HE (via button controller) to control GE ZWave Fan switches. Cosmetic touches using sharpies and the remotes look & function like native Lutron Caseta fan remotes :slight_smile:

Yes....the connection from Alexa to hue is on you local LAN from your Echo device. The connection to Hue from Google is from the Google cloud to the Hue cloud. Obviously the voice control part isn't local. I was referring to the connection to Hue.

I still have a handful of these lying around, has anyone taken another look at making a driver for HE, would love to resurrect them.

Don't bother.. sell them and use the massive profit to buy a 2nd Hubitat Hub. It's crazy how much they are going for on ebay.


Or, sell them and buy a Lutron SmartBridge Pro and a bunch of Pico remotes!

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Lutron has discontinued them. I'd pinged Lutron support back in the day when I moved over from Wink to Hubitat - they had mentioned that they don't have any plans to manufacture them again & earlier in this thread, Hubitat staff chimed in that they don't have any plans to support them

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That's what I ended up doing when there was a demand for them :+1:

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i've used his instructions with no problems... up until i got some gen 3 hue bulbs. The absolutely refuse to let me control them from the remote. They blink and everything when pairing, but... nope.

:thinking: I wonder if there’s a change to the firmware needed with those. Are they already joined to the Hue bridge? You may need to do that first and make sure they are up to date if you haven’t done so already.

they are. I am having the issue specifically with gen 3 bulbs but i can't swear i could pair a gen 2. The other bulbs paired to the connected remote are ge linq bulbs.

I for sure have the Gen2 (made in Mexico, not Holland and the globe extends further back toward the base ) and they work with the LCBM and Hue Bridge at once, but how is the Gen3 different from the Gen2 ? What identifiable markings or other indicators show it’s Gen 3?

they've got bluetooth in them as well as zigbee.

I use my Lutron Connected Bulb Remotes in Hubitat via Home Assistant running on a cheapo thin client. With the HA to HE integration they work quite well. A side benefit is that you can use the HA Android app to control your HE goodies.

The Gen 3 bulbs should work with the LCBR no problem.

You can also join the LCBR to a Deconz network. That is how I use mine to use it as a regular button controller in Hubitat. Only thing is, you only get 6 functions. Buttons 1 and 4 only do press and buttons 2 and 3 only do press and release. So, you can get up to 6 functions total out of the remote, unlike with the Picos.