My (Aeotec TriSensor) stay at the same luminosity level for hours,
the value changed 3 time since i have insatalled, 1 days
What i did wrong?
If you look on the top left of the device page, you will see an “Event” button. This will show you the last time the device reported events, including luminosity.
I had an issue with one of my Aeontec tri-sensors a while back where it would keep disconnecting (no illuminante, motion or temperature updates). I contacted the company, we trouble-shot the problem for a bit and they confirmed my unit was defective and sent me a new one. I have not had any issues with the new one.
In the event list there Is the 3 lum. event between all the other frequent events
Are they always 71 lumens?
Was 71 for longh Time, After a reset become 0, and i think 63 another, but the light was changing a lot during all day. But the values stay fixed.
Could it be similar to the hue motion sensor and only report an update when motion is detected? At least I thought I read that about hue... Not 100% sure ..
CORRECTION - From @bobbles 's post below, I was incorrect with the statement above... Thanks for clarifying.
But the latest luminosity value should also be visible in the data table at the bottom of the screenshot shouldn’t it?
He has it set to report every 1 lux change every 10 seconds so assuming the reporting values are always listed in that data table there should be something there if it was working right no?
@roberto.grosso.rgr you sure you have the device mapped to the right drivers by chance?
Here’s a screenshot of my outdoor hue sensor and my outdoor inovelli sensor. Both show illuminance values in the data table.
I have set my Hue Motion sensor to report on changes of lux of 1, which it does.
It does not need motion for the lux level to be reported. Aqara motion sensors need motion to report lux levels.
Once paired it give a right name and the other sensors (temperature and motion) work well
I’m an idiot. The illuminance values were there at the top of your screenshot underlined. The data tabe is different. Ignore me!
Based on this, we know that the data gets updated from the device to Hubitat. When it is received, it should indeed be reported in the device page (it does for me)
What I would recommend trying:
- Press “configure”, then “refresh”
- If that doesn’t change anything, check the logs to see if anything is reported.
- Maybe do something based on the logs...
- Try rebooting Hubitat, and if the setting is still the same, try step 1 again.
- If that doesn’t work... we’ll have to see if anyone else has other ideas..