So, I got off a business trip and I noticed that Alexa (my primary mode of control) did not turn off my fan light but did not give an error. I discovered that I had lost all digital control. Here is what I tried:
- Alexa (Gives “Ok”; local web interface reflects change. Physical light does not change)
- Local Web interface (updates status on page and in log. Physical light does not change)
- Physical Switch (No update on the log or change in status; Physical light works fine)
I WAS able to recover the light. Here are some observations about that:
- I put Hubitat into Exclude mode and followed the sequence on the switch.
- Hubitat did not register the exclusion. I had to FORCE the removal
- I was initially unsuccessful getting the switch to reregister with Hubitat.
- Using a Aeotec Zwave stick next to the switch in Exclude mode, I was able to get the switch to exclude
- The switch registered without issue.
I now have 3 switches that “died”. I have brought 2 of them back, but will wait if it helps support debug (if they want).
My system: I have 90 devices including various sensors and switches. I have a mixture of zwave, zigbee, and hue.
The switches that “failed” are within 20 feet of the Hubitat hub; separated by a wall.
Any ideas?