Lorex camera 3rd Party Notification on Android using Tasker Local end point error?

Cloud End point works good in Tasker but Local end point error?

Updated the task event in Tasker using the “local end point URL” copied from the Hubitat Rule, since Cloud End Point is slow.

If copy “Cloud End Point URL” from HE rules Tasker works.
If copy “Local End Point URL” from HE rules does not work get Tasker error. Attached.

Rather than updating Tasker would I need to create a new Profile and Task?

Can you post the local and cloud URLs side by side but hide the portion containing the tokens for your security?


Looks like a Tasker problem. Try setting the Trust Any Certificate flag that is very far down in the HTTP Request action details. See the attached screenshot.

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In order for local end points to be successful, the Android device must have access to the same LAN that the hub is on.

Are you connected to a guest Wi-Fi network? How about on a different VLAN or a different subnet?. In fact were you connected to Wi-Fi at all?

Test your local endpoint by copying and pasting it into a web browser, and make a note of the response.

Thanks! Great suggestions...
Yes, Android phone on WiFi and same subnet.
End point test via browser get same answer:
{"response": "Triggered"} While Hubitat Rule does not trigger.
Hubitat rule test ok when tested from the Rule test.
Working on Tasker settings now.

JimB thanks... Great suggestion; but did not fix. Get the same error.
Would I need to power cycle phone after doing the Flag check?

Ops, just check .. Tasker did not keep the flag check? Must have to restart for something.

Sorry, did not work. Flag check now stays checked. I also, check flag "continue after error" no help there either.
Error message now does not show up, but still does not work. While there is a very long text action list. attached what I could copy of it.

When I copy and paste my local endpoint into a browser, not only do I get the proper response message (as shown in my image), but the rule is actually triggered, which is evident when a switch turns on. If I alter a single character in the endpoint URL the browser reports an error.

Based on this information, I would stop looking for a Tasker issue, and try to figure out why the rule isn't triggering, or perhaps confirm if the rule is triggering, but not producing the expected results. This kind of matches up with your recent Tasker experience (no error message, but still no results)

Only after confirming the endpoint works properly, would I take the next step of using it with Tasker. At that time it would be a simple case of just confirming the correct Tasker syntax.

good thoughts.
The rule does work ok when testing the rule.
Agree, the Local end point is not triggering the rule.
The same rule using Cloud end point work ok.
Except for being slow why I'm trying to get local end point to work.

I believe that you can only "run actions" from within rule machine. Pushing that button would not confirm the endpoint is actually triggering the rule, or if any Required Expressions are being satisfied.

Can you create a very simple rule with a local endpoint trigger, and turn on a light as the action. Try to use that new endpoint URL in a browser. If it also fails to work, then you have a deeper problem within Hubitat.

If this test works, then the original rule is corrupt in some way, or has faulty logic.

Thanks for the thought.
Yah, just test ALL of my Alexa rules are now broke?
Even those that have nothing to do with Tasker.
My Hub took an update yesterday. Will have to see if that caused it. C8

Back to the same problem.

When I pasted "Cloud end point" into my browser works.

When I pasted "Local end point" into my browser works.

Cloud end point works using Tasker.

Local end point does not work using Tasker?

Tasker settings checked: “Trust Any Certificate”

C8 is not recognizing URL from Tasker?

Solved: deleted and reinstalled Tasker .... Its working on Local End Point!
Wonder if I was using the same typo over and over on the local ip?

I had an issue one time where a URL wasnt working and it was because I had copied and pasted and there was a space at the end of the URL. I don't remember any other details than that unfortunately. It was within Hubitat; Tasker wasn't involved.

Thank you, guys, for all your help.