Looking for method to log internet and iptv hiccups

I have ATT fiber internet and ATT Uverse TV which have been having an unusual number of “hiccups” (i.e. dropping and immediately coming back up) lately. I would like to be able to report the date, time and total number of hiccups to ATT.

Can anyone suggest any method, device or app that could log to a text file each time the internet and/or iptv service hiccups?

A power meter sensor might work for the iptv service as the main tv receiver/dvr restarts itself whenever there is a hiccup. But would not work for the fiber gateway as internet hiccups don't cause the gateway to restart itself. I have used an EzOutlet2 in the past to restart the gateway when internet connectivity was lost but have disconnected it because I think it was excessively flooding the network with data. It was a dumb device that did no logging of its own.

https://netuptimemonitor.com/ is ten dollars.

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I have used Netlogger Pro for this purpose on a Mac. It's also about $10 and available in the Mac App Store or https://networklogger.net. I don't think it is available for Windows.

This is a pretty basic GUI tool you can run from a Windows machine that will give you a chart. You can even use loaded pings to help simulate real traffic. Also has an option to export to CSV.




I don’t have a pc that is always on and prefer not to take this approach.

I am considering purchasing a MSNswitch from same company as EZOutlet2 that has capability of logging outages. Another alternative may be Keep Connect device. https://www.johnson-creative.com/product/product-keepconnect/

Does anyone have experience with the Keep Connect?

For the Uverse DVR, I am thinking that perhaps a Zigbee outlet with power monitoring capability may be used in a Rule that logs to text file whenever the DVR power is quickly ON-OFF-ON.

Does anyone use a similar Rule that monitors a quick change of power level?

Example: (note: substitute DVR for sewing machine lamp below)

There is an HE app called Web Pinger. My assumption is that you'd want to use the data to get a support case opened with AT&T. I had an issue recently when I was seeing major latency spikes. Luckily, I have a UDM Pro with its own web monitoring and chart and was able to use that to show proof of a problem on their end. Less than 24 hours after I opened the ticket, they resolved whatever the issue was. Might be worth assigning a device to run the tool I linked above for a day or two just to show the service is dropping.

The Kasa outlet lineup is pretty cheap and been reliable for me to monitor for power changes. I have the KP125s on mine and the wife's bedside phone chargers. I have a rule that changes polling to 30 seconds at night to wait for us putting our chargers on. Before that, I had polling at one minute intervals all the time without issue.

Here's the rule to change the polling frequency.