Looking for a zigbee temperature/humidity/illumination sensor with display


I'm looking for a zigbee temperature/humidity/illumination sensor with display.
In fact, I liked this one a lot:


Has anyone tried this on Hubitat ?
Or any similar device that's known to work with Hubitat ?

Zigbee2MQTT folks have already obtained the information needed to support this device- go and get it!

Happy new year :partying_face:


thank you. where can I find the driver ?

also, I want to change my smoke detector with this one :

Any idea about it ?

The driver for the temperature and humidity sensor will be this one, but it will need some modifications to add the new device. When you receive it, post the device model and manufacturer, as shown on HE device web page, 'Device Details' section. Then I will add it to the driver.

On the smoke detector - it is the same as mentioned in this post (TS0205 _TZ3210_up3pngle). It will not work with the current Tuya Zigbee Smoke Detector driver, adding support for it will require more work, as it is rather different than the TS0601 models supported at the moment.


These do Temp and Humidity only, but work with the built in drivers, I several of both.

SONOFF Zigbee Indoor Temperature Humidity Sensor, SNZB-02D LCD Zigbee Thermometer Hygrometer, Works with Alexa & Google Home for Remote Monitoring and Home Automation, ZigBee 3.0 Hub Required, 2-Pack Amazon.com

THIRDREALITY Zigbee Temperature and Humidity Sensor 2 Pack, Digital LCD Display, ZigBee Hub Required, App Records, Remote Monitoring and Smart Home Automation, AAA Batteries Included Amazon.com

For smoke detection, I have 3 of these, and they work well. They are Z-Wave not Zigbee though.
First Alert Battery Powered Z-Wave Smoke Detector & Carbon Monoxide Alarm, Works with Ring Alarm Base Station, 2nd Generation https://a.co/d/g5QHi7F

ok. I got the temp&humidity sensor as you say it will be possible to support it.
About smoke detector; is there a known to be working model that you would suggest ?
Actually I would prefer to have a low cost device. SO the one I sent is preferable but if it will not work, I should look for others.

I will not recommend any of the Tuya devices because they change what is inside the gadget very frequently. So if something is known to be working OK with the existing drivers in Hubitat last year - it may not work today, as you will receive something different.

You can look at the

Tuya Zigbee Smoke Detector devices and links, but again - there is no any guarantee.

how do you understand the difference between :

Unfortunately, there is no way to understand the differences based on the pictures.
Purchasing Tuya products is always a risk when used outside of their own Tuya Zigbee gateways.

ok. but the first one you said is not working yet. The second one is in the compatible list you wrote.
So there is a difference you can see. What is that difference ?

Sorry, I really don't know what the differences are, if any.

I added the following warning to the top post :


There is also this:

Doesn't seem to do Lux though.

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I've ordered it. Will do that when I receive.

I received the sensor today. The details you asked for :

  • endpointId: 01
  • application: 48
  • manufacturer: _TZE200_vvmbj46n
  • model: TS0601

It is detected as "Tuya Multi Sensor 4 in 1" by Hubitat hub but it does not report any humidity or temperature data.

I added this line to your driver:
fingerprint profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0000,0001,0402,0405", outClusters:"0019,000A", model:"TS0601", manufacturer:"_TZE200_vvmbj46n", deviceJoinName: "Tuya Temperature Humidity LCD display X"

It now shows humidity and temperature.

It also shows illuminance 60 but is this correct ?
I am not sure if it supports illuminance but TS0601 on your driver seems to support illuminance according to your driver.

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I have pushed an update of the dev. branch ver. 1.5.0 2024/01/18 7:06 PM

  • added TS0601 _TZE200_vvmbj46n to TS0601_Tuya_2 group;
  • _TZE200_qyflbnbj fingerprint correction;

Unfortunately, there is a problem changing this device preferences (T/H sensitivity as example) - the commands are confirmed by the device, but the actual thresholds are not changed.
At the moment, I don't know where the problem is; I hope I will have the time to come back to this issue some weeks later.

The basic functionality (T/H reading and clock display) should be working OK in this version.

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where is the dev. branch?

Within the HE driver editor, locate the driver and click on the 'Import' button - this will load the latest dev. branch version.

This is a direct download link.

ok. does this device provide illumination data ? (I don't see it includes a lux sensor but in any case..)

No, there is no illuminance. You can remove the device and pair it again to the hub.
The wrong illuminance reading has been a side effect of the fact that this device was not supported in the previous driver versions.

offset is not also working , right ?
I wish it had worked. Most important seems to be offset at the moment.