Looking for a RF IR Remote Control


I have a diesel night heater and i want to control it via hubitat. Anyone got any suggestion that they know works.

Found this one not sure if it will work -

You might take a look at the Bond Bridge.

Thanks. I can see that both will work but can any of them be controlled withing the hubitat app?

Yes, the Bond bridge has both a built-in driver and a community driver. The community driver is currently a bit more complete in its capabilities.

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£130 with inport tax for the Bond Bridge. The TUYA £15.59. I am looking to controll only RF433MHz.

Did hope they TUYA was supported becuase of the price point. Both do the same thing.

Take a look at the Broadlink RM4 Pro.

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I did take a look at this is there a driver for it?

I created an integration for Broadlink remotes: Broadlink IR/RF remotes integration (RM3 Mini, RM Pro, RM4 Mini/Pro)


And it's amaze-balls awesome - works great!


Thanks chaps will order one.

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Just want to put in a "seconded" for the RM Pro. I had a Bond previously and it was always pretty buggy, both in connecting with other services and in simply executing commands. It's the only smart home device I've replaced because i just got sick of dealing with it. The RM Pro has given me almost no problems.


Hmm... Looks interesting.

Can this be used with air conditioners and ceiling fans?

From what I recall, their IR is a bit odd.

The Pro does both RF and IR. The Mini just does IR. As long as the target device's freq falls within Broadlink's parameters, it should work.

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I use my RM Pro primarily for ceiling fans actually. I've got the unit itself centrally located and I'm able to use it for ceiling fans at either end of my house.


bought the Tuya, nice and tiny, tried to flash Tasmota to make it HE compatible, but Tuya changed the firmware and I bricked the 10.00 piece of junk.
Using 3 broadlinks with @tomw integration, and it's incredible.

PS- no idea what a diesel heater is, but I hope there's some overriding safety mechanism in case the hub decides to spaz/lockup, it won't cause a fire

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The diesel heater i have is installed in a camper van it’s the heating. I want to control it base of the temp sessions i have connected in the van. It comes with a remote control with on/off it’s a RF433MHz.

If the M4 goes wrong and keeps turing it on I will just be very worm (-:

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