Looking for 12 volt DC Sensor that reports in to Hubitat

One other reason for me to go for this particular controller is that it is compatible with Lithium battery packs.
These are incredibly expensive atm but are slowly coming down in price so I may go for them in the future

Good idea! Something else for me to keep in mind for the future... :grin:

WAY too expensive atm ..

My 130ha lead/acid batts cost around ÂŁ120 each
100ah LifePo lithiums are around ÂŁ700 each

The BIG advantage of lithiums is that you can run them down to 10% without damage, and they can be cycled around 6000 times as opposed to 2-300 times for a lead acid

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Impressive. Even in the rainy UK. Ontario had subsidies at one point in time. We applied and they said we didn't qualify because of the shade from trees around our property. Now the trees are dead and so are the subsidies! :confounded:

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I don’t think we have ever had subsidies in New Brunswick... But keeping my fingers crossed... Maybe one day!

I have a south facing roof which is (apparently) the perfect pitch.
There are no purchase subsidies in the UK but we have fees that are paid by the electricity company for any electricity that I don’t use and feed back into the grid.
Initial cost for my setup was around ÂŁ6000 and I have about another 6 months before I get a return on my investment and it has paid for itself.
ROI is about 5 years for me

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After the spending on fighting this virus and just barely keeping Canadians afloat, I think socialism is going to look very different.

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Wow, that’s pretty good! Worth the investment for sure!

Yea... Though they may need to spend more to get the economy rolling again, and solar is good for the environment...

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That's what was so sweet about this deal. They essentially paid for the installation and you still made money (or spent less of it at least) selling the over generation back to them.

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Yeah, initial quotes were around £14,000 but I managed to find a local company that wasn’t charging stupid prices.

We have something called ‘Feed In Tariff’ which used to be really good and is guaranteed for 25 years of payments.
I left it too long to get the really good deal but I still got a reasonable rate.
In the UK, they assume that you feed in 50% of whatever you generate - it is not measured :slight_smile:
I try to use as much as possible and not feed anything back into the grid (even though I am getting paid for 50% of it)

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Water was like that for 17 years when I first moved here. Astonishing the way we humans gobble up resources.


In the UK there is a big push to have ‘smart’ meters fitted
I don’t want this (it’s not compulsory yet) As this will show the actual amount I feed back into the grid :zipper_mouth_face:

3:30 am here so off to bed
Goodnight gents

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Ours went in about 5 years ago. They used to let us see almost real time data from them, now I can only access daily, or less maybe :thinking: I just tried to look and their portal is down.

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They push them here telling you that it shows real time data.
There have been so many problems with reliability that some people are demanding their old meters back

If you are a little adventuresome, look at the Haas Thingshield replacement. It is powered by 5V and can report DC volts (as well as 2 digital inputs). It is zigbee and I can tell you from my experience with them they work great with Hubitat :slight_smile:

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Cool, thanks! I’m going to focus on the Shelly Uni at this point, but will keep this in mind as a backup in case it doesn’t work as expected.

Any chance you could share your UNI driver here? I've got some UNI's on order and don't have a clue how to adapt the Shelly Switch driver. Thanks.

Andy’s drivers and apps are available at his website:



The driver is under: Drivers/Unsupported Drivers/Shelly_Uni
