Logs Question - Cause and Effect

Trying to debug why lights keep turning off on my wife. WAF all time low right now.

In any case, how can I trace the cause. Here is the effect:

Something is firing rapid 'OFF' commands to that light. But how do I trace it.

Does the system track the trigger elsewhere?

This light is tied to a group called 'Inside Lights Group' (which is also a virtual switch for tracking purposes [both a rule and a virtual switch of the same name]) which mass turns off the lights if it gets so bright out outside. However, our Kitchen is a little dark and if the wife is home and cooking/cleaning, she likes to light it up even so. Therefore, I have a the rule that turns the lights off for brightness tied to an override switch - simple virtual switch, that if on, makes the brightness condition false and does not fire the off command. It generally seems to work. Logs for the virtual Inside lights group switch make sense with her interacting with the system:

Lights turned off this morning (its a sunny day here today): at 7:13am, she enabled the override and manually turned the lights back on.

General logs then show this:

While the exact seconds do not line up with my first screen shot, those times at 8:04am are all close to the times the K Pendants turned off. But why?

The override switch is on:
And the virtual Inside Lights switch does not have logs of being turned off.

As I review this, I could ask this more simply....

The virtual switch Events page (2 events today):

The virtual switch Log page:

Lots of logs from today. Why?

You show lots of logs but what automation do you have turning the lights off. It's impossible to debug without seeing the app/rule that you are trying to debug. Also, what type of devices are we talking about? You have "K pendant Tap". What type of device is this?

I don't see rapid off commands in that log. I don't see rapid anything in that log.

I don't see any logs for that happening so you can't tell from the info you have provided.

This provides no help.

You need to show your information less disjointed. Having bits of logs all over the place won't help to debug the problem. It is better if you show the whole log from the period you have a question about.

Also, you have a group called "Inside Lights"? I assume that is all the lights in your house? Why do you have such a large group? Do you have lights that are tied into multiple different groups?

You don't show the rules that are using this switch so there's about a billion reasons why. Can't tell without looking at your rules.

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Love you are reviewing. However, the mystery you are commenting is effectively exactly my point. What logs should I look for? I agree that there is no clear off command (cause) happening. yet, the effect - lights actually off - is happening.

In case it matters, this is on a HubConnect system. Devices on 1 hub, rules on a second hub.

running to a few meetings @ work, back in a bit.

If you aren't able to debug the situation that means that your automations are too complex and you have too much inter-dependency . The only way to work through that is to begin disabling the possible rules that could be causing the problem and see which one is causing the issue.

First of all, the structure of your rule is very, VERY confusing.
Your first clause stats the if HSM is disarmed and ANYONE is Present and illuminance is < 75 Then do that stuff.

Okay, let's look at that a little more closely. Will HSM ever be disarmed when there is noone home? No. So, there is no need to have both conditions in the rule and no need to have both triggers. This can be simplified greatly if you took advantage of Modes.

Then we come to your next clause "ELSE". This means that the second have of your rule will only run in the first have isn't true. But does NOT evaluate any conditions. Do you really mean this to be an ELSE-IF instead of an ELSE?

Next you have a parensed statement. You have an illuminence measure here but you don't have that in the triggers of the rule. So, luminence will never shut the lights off. Again you have your presence sensor and all of your HSM statuses. Again, I think this would be greatly simplified with Modes.

You have a delay actions of 6 mins cancelable but this will only start when everyone is not present, so I don't understand why you have that.

In the end, this rule will not fire at all at the moment as all of the IF statements are false. So, this rule can't be what is turning off the Lights on your wife. What other rules do you have that touch the offending lights?

In general I think you are trying to cover too much in one rule. It would be simpler if you took and split things apart a bit. If you want to have the lights turn off when you go into Armed away armed home or armed night, then put that in one rule with a trigger and an action. Period. End of rule. Then if you want lights to turn on when lum is low, make that into one rule, Trigger, action. Boom...done. Don't try and put every single situation into one big long rule. You will end up driving yourself crazy trying to figure out what is not working.

I should also note, I don't see the Inside Lights Group anywhere in this rule, and that is the one you asked why it was turned off. So, I would look at rules that touch that group first.

I'd investigate presence first. That's the trickiest thing to use as a condition. One laggy cloud service or sleepy phone and your presence device can flag you as away for a minute or two when you are not.