Lock Code Notifications and Hub Mesh

I have two identical Z-Wave locks, one on a C-5 hub and one on a C-7. (Hubs connected and devices shared via Hub Mesh.) Both worked fine on the C-5. Moved one to the C-7, and it is working fine, except that I am not getting my lock code notifications from the C-7 lock to the rule running on the C-5. It appears that the trigger of the lock code from the C-7 lock is not getting to the rule on the C-5.[1] Notifications are running, because I get notifications from the lock on the C-5, and I get a notification if I 'Run Actions' on the rule from the C-7 lock. The log entries from the lock code look identical between the two locks. Any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks!

[1]I have another rule running that relies on the Lock Code notification from the lock on the C-7, and it isn't running, either.

bump... Anyone? Perhaps @bravenel or @gopher.ny? (Not sure if this is a Hub Mesh or a RM issue.)

Are linked device's events in sync with source device's events? In other words, is unlock event originated by a physical device on C7 propagating correctly to the linked device on C5? On both, events would be under Events button on device page. This is different from logs, and can sometimes provide more details.

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A-ha! (Sorry for not looking at events before I made my original post.)

The events on the linked device don't appear to be matching up exactly to the source device.

Source Device:

Linked Device:

For the sake of complete testing, I looked at the events on my other device on the C5 and they match the events of the source device on the C7.
Working Device on C5:

Thanks, @gopher.ny! I appreciate it!

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Let's try creating a new rule (in addition to existing one) that logs a message when any lock code is entered.
I tried reproducing the issue, and things seem to work as expected with both virtual and real lock. Wondering if the issue with notification part (as opposed to event firing/processing)...

Thanks, but no dice...

This is the rule I made:


I'm speculating that it (nor the other two existing rules) are even firing because there's nothing in the log saying that those rules were run. Notifications are received when a similar rules fires from the lock on the C5.

As an example, I see this in the logs when my C5 lock's notification rule runs. I see nothing similar when the C7 lock is unlocked via code.

I can validate that this problem happens for me as well. I am running on 2 - C-5 hubs. I have 2 Schlage BE469's and 1 Schlage BE369 on one Hub. I have all three of them shared using Hub Mesh to the other hub. Any notifications or rules based on lock codes on this later hub are not triggered. They are only triggered on the hub that the locks are actually z-wave paired to. This sounds like a hub mesh issue.