Locative Not Working

Is anyone still using Locative? I'm fed up with whatever is going on with the Hubitat app and decided to go back to Locative for while... However, it does not appear to be working for me...

I've re-installed Maker API and tried it on several different phones... All indications are that the app is working and sending the arrived/departed commands... Either there is an issue with the API or something is blocking it at the phone level...

I last used it under iOS 12 so wondering if the fact I'm on iOS 13 now might be an issue? I'm still not convinced iOS 13 is not the problem with the Hubitat app...

Anyway, just checking to see if anyone is still using it...

Did you update your Locative links with the new key from the maker API? When you re-install it the key is going to change since that is linked to the app instance.

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Yes sir... New links... But I do have a question. In the original instructions (the ones I used months ago) it said to use app #294... I'm not sure if I used that originally or not, but I'm pretty sure you have to use the app # specific to your own installation correct?

https://cloud.hubitat.com/api/xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/apps/294/devices/[Device ID]/arrived?access_token=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

Mine is actually a four digit number... I've tried a combination of several things that haven't worked... But for the last several tries, I've used my specific app #... Just making sure that is correct.

Yes, that is correct...but you also need to use your Hub ID...the number after API. And the device ID is the number for your device.

I'm using the last line on the Maker API app but adding in the commands arrived and departed and also using the correct device ID of the virtual presence sensor... I'm assuming the Hub ID is in the string after api/?

Yes, that is correct. Have you tired putting that link into a browser and seeing what happens? You have clicked "done" on the maker api after adding the virtual presence sensor, correct?

Yes, clicked done after adding the virtual devices... I'll try the browser trick and see what happens... thank you for that. :slight_smile: I'll post back... That should change the Hub device... If that works, then its something in the iOS I'm guessing not passing the info...

Ok, that worked and the API is functioning as it should... I'm able to change the status of the virtual device through a web browser... So, that means there is an issue with the app or the OS on the phone...

Yup. But if you're not moving, I'm not sure that locative will send anything. I think you have to move in or out of the area in order for it to send an update. So, it could be working, you wouldn't know yet.

I drove down the street and out of the area a few times over the last few days... Weird thing also, I tried send the GET command from the IOS browser Safari and it didn't work. The links work perfectly from my laptop on Firefox. I tried taking the phone off WiFi and no luck either... Also, the test command doesn't work from the settings page...

I know the app is now maintained by someone else and shows to be updated to version 4.2.8... Its had several updates since I last used it a few months back when the Hubitat app was released...

I'm thinking about trying Geofency... But not sure I want to spend the $5 if its not going to work either.. :joy:

Ryan are you using it? On iOS?

Are you using the local or the cloud link?

I am not on iOS, I'm an Android user. But I know that Safari has had issues. Try mobile chrome on your phone.

Cloud links...

I'll try chrome from the phone..

No go with Chrome also... Neither Safari or Chrome will work from the phone... But pasting the same links into Chrome, Firefox or Edge on my laptop work perfectly... They are are cloud links.

That makes no sense at all. Are you running any time of VPN or anything on your phone? How are you passing the links to your phone? Do you device name's have nay special characters in them?

No VPN, no special characters... I have the links saved in a PDF for all the users in my house... I have the PDF on my phone... Pasting the same links into either Chrome or Safari in the phone does nothing... Ends in a blank screen... I've tried it with the phone on WiFi and off WiFi connected by cellular...

The laptop is connected via WiFi to the same network as the Hub... I don't have any Android devices to test on a different platform... Plenty of Windows and Macs though...

I wonder if there is some internet or network setting in my phone (iOS) that is preventing the GET command?

Wait....you said that you re-installed the Maker API. The links will have changed when you did that. We went over that at the top. You just make the new PDF after making the new links?

Not if you can access the internet. That's how the internet works.

Yup, changed the links... I have made about 4 different PDF's at this point... I'm using the exact same links that work on the laptop browser but not from the phone...

When I said settings, looking at the Safari settings in the phone, I see things like options for pop-up blocking and cross-site tracking enabled... I know what pop-ups are, but not sure if cross-site tracking is important.

And by the way, its not working on any of the family's five iOS phones... They are all running the latest iOS 13... All were working 6 months ago when I was using this before the Hubitat app came out... The phones were on iOS 12 then and the app was a few versions lower... I'm at a loss....