Local voice activation, is it possible

I want voice activation for devices on my Hubitat hub (ex. turn off, turn on lights) but do not want it connected to any cloud service, especially Alexa and its ilk. Is there an app or device that would make this possible?

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I'm grateful that @burns_hub has written this integration, and I look forward to trying it on my Mycroft II "smart speaker".

For anyone contemplating anything to do with Mycroft, please be aware that Mycroft.ai (the hardware vendor & sponsor of the Mycroft distribution) has basically imploded (software development ceased, only partial hardware shipments complete, staff laid off, etc).

The Neon AI OS (Linux distro from NeonGecko) should be able to run skills written for the older version of the software ("Mycroft classic", not Mycroft II AKA "dinkum"), including -- hopefully -- the Hubitat integration, but I'd suggest that future local voice activation development be native to NeonOS or OpenVoice OS, not Mycroft.


Yes, that is true, , although Neon as come out with a version that goes with the MyCroft Mark II. We'll see how long (if at all) the Mk II is available---Mycroft claims that they will keep going with the hardware--but I do intend to port the Hubitat support to Neon at some point. Neon has the advantage that it uses nothing at all in the cloud even to do the voice-to-digital translation.

Right now, I am still using my original skill that works with a Raspberry Pi (PiCroft), but if I get the Mk II MyCroft that I have ordered, I'll try porting both to Dinkum (which should be nearly trivial) and to Neon.

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I have been able to install and use the hubitat skill with Neon with essentially no change. I have updated the README.md in the skill to expain how to install it.

Please rehome my question if it’s more relevant to another feed. I’m of the belief that Amazon, Google and Apple assistants all run as many commands as they can locally. I was surprised that when I disconnected my modem, but kept everything connected to the router, Amazon and Google couldn’t turn anything on/off. The HomeKit integration failed for me recently so haven’t set that back up yet to try it. But for G and A am I doing something wrong? As I fully expected it to run x light on y switch off, without the internet.

I don't know about Apple, but Google Home and Amazon Alexa will not work without access to the internet. So your belief is incorrect.

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For Apple Homekit check this post and my follow up two below it. Have not tested again with more recent updates on the Homepod, but there is a good chance it can process basic commands while offline now.