List of deviceId and device name

Is there a way to obtain a list of the numeric deviceId along with the device label or name?

The deviceid is not even listed on the device details page.

Just a simple list deviceid & name would suffice.

Natively and easily, not exactly, but it would be easy to write an app, have you select devices (including all devices), then spit out the device ID, device name, and/or device label. Or if you provide more information on your actual goal, perhaps someone can think of a better way to get there. For the most part, device IDs (which from your description, I assume you mean the hub-assigned ID for the device in the database, visible in the URL) aren't something you need to know during regular use of the hub, so I'm guessing you're working with some third-party integration or a custom app of some kind?

Yes working with node red, just want a list of the deviceid and the device name.

Use NR to log events from the websocket and want to filter certain devices,

Ah. I don't use Node-RED, but perhaps someone who does can provide any tricks they might have for matching those up.

I can monitor the logs but it quite tedious. I'm going to try to get a list use the makerapi app.