Linking Hubitat C-8 with google home

I am having some difficulties linking my Hubitat devices with Google home.

I am consistently able to get to step 7 in the install helper, but I am not able to get to step 8. I either get an unable to connect to hubitat error or the home wizard goes back to step 3.

When I don't get the error and try and reauthorize the hubitat (step 4) Google home tells me Hubitat is authorized and there are 4 connected devices selecting Hubitat app give me Reconnect account or unlink account. I have tried both options and end up at the same spot. Side note there are actually 5 home compatible devices that I authorized not 4. I do see the google home app show up on the Apps list, I have tried leaving it and deleting it and neither option got me past step 8.

Tried on both an iPhone 15 and a Google Pixel 5.

Open your alexa app and delete the hubitat integration. Reboot all alexas. Remove the google integration (I assume you're using the native one and not the community one).

Reboot hubitat.

Now start again using a PC not your phone.

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I don't have Google devices, but the typical cause of errors like this is the hub not communicating with the outside world.

Are you having issues with other cloud based devices or apps?

Did you happen to set a static IP in the Hubitat settings, or are you still on DHCP?

What brand/model is your router?

Thanks and yes I am using the native app. Tried removing and rebooting the hub and still not working, What do you mean by use the PC not a phone? As far as I can tell google home does not allow you to add devices via the browser and I can't find a native client.

Not having issues with other devices, I even unlinked and relinked my nest door lock.

Router setup is a TP-Link Deco AX3000 Mesh system. The Hubitat is connected via a cable connection.

Tried static IP. It didn't seem to help. Whenever the link fails the Google Home app shows up on my hubitat app list with the devices, so there is at least some communication going on.

Check here: My Hubitat
Registered Hubs section
Check the hub name and Connect button, are they black text or greyed out?
Then click Hub Details, check the Last Checkin, should be within past 12 hrs.

If text is Grey or checkin is stale, hub may not be connected to the cloud.

Not greyed out, IP address is the static IP i just assigned it. Last checkin was about 40 minutes ago which is about the time I last rebooted.

You set static on the hub? Be absolutely sure your settings are correct, including DNS. Usually though a mistake there would prevent the cloud check in so I assume you are OK. It is better to just use DHCP and set a reservation on the router, just to prevent mistakes.

Anyway... The only other time I know Google has issues is if you try to share 0 devices. It sounds like you are trying to share 5 though? Also sounds like you already tried deleting the apps from the HE hub, and starting over from Google (which should install the app again).

You said you shared 5 devices but then only 4 show up? Maybe the 5th one is not compatible and causing some sort of malfunction? Maybe just try sharing a simple switch to start with, it is easy to add more once it is linked up.


Excellent considerations from Jeff above, and he raises a good point about the devices you are trying to share...

Can you tell us what those devices are? We don't need bloody details, just what types of devices they are (switch, plug, etc).

The reason I ask is that the native GH integration is pretty limited in terms of device types that it will pass over to Google, so we can help confirm if the devices you are attempting to add will actually qualify to pass over or not.


So I restarted everything and I was able to get a success message from google home (a first) but no devices still. I went to the logs and I see the following:

The following devices are not supported by Google Home and will be removed from your device list:[TV Room right side, TV Room left side, Bonus Room Shade, Office East, Office South]

These are just window shades so it is a bit odd that they are not supported.

The window shades are from a company called Beasen but I have no idea what the are using for their wireless communication stack.

The built in Google Home app is very limited to basic devices.

You will probably want to check this out: [Alpha] Community-maintained Google Home integration

Despite saying it is "Alpha" I would definitely consider it beta at least, it is pretty solid.

Its a little bit of work to set it up, but the instructions are very good, and once it is setup you wont have to mess with it again.

I would guess Z-Wave but once they are integrated to HE, it is not important for sharing to Google. A switch is a switch and a shade is a shade, HE will take care of communicating to them, Google will communicate with HE. I just think the GH system app does not support shades.

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Thanks for that I will go check it out. I guess I will mark that as the solution.

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Blinds are not supported in the native app, but they are in the community app.

I agree it's odd, but my theory is that the native app was developed a long time ago when the smart world was basically limited to lights, plugs, outlets and switches. And it just hasn't been evolved by the staff since then.

As others have said, the community app offers a much wider variety of devices to integrate.

When setting up the hubitat side. But I see you got it sorted...