Lightswitch Issue

Hello. Have a light switch connected to my zwave network, and seems to have connection issues once in a while. I have the switch turn on at sunset, and off at sunrise. It seems to work about half the time. Light switch will get turned on, then miss getting turned off. A day later, it might turn off, then miss getting turned on. Seems very inconsistent. I use the "Basic Rule-1.0" to coordinate the lights. There are a few smart devices that are on these rules, and none of the other devices have issues.

Seems like the light switch is dropping the connection once in a while, but seeing what other people think.

The switch is an LZW30 Inovelli ZWave On Off Smart Switch, Black Series.

Do smart devices keep track of scheduled jobs in the future, or does the hubitat command them when scheduled?

Thank you in advance.

Post a copy of your z-wave settings page please.

Thank you for the help.

I mean the whole page... all devices.. :slight_smile:

Sorry about that. Screenshot of all zwave devices in the mesh.

@rlithgow1 is looking for ghosts, which might interfere with the zwave mesh routing.

From what you posted, the RSSi (signal strength) is a little low, and this device reports only 1 neighbor - so as you suggested, it may be dropping the connection periodically. Also, the switch is paired with S2 security, which does add overhead for the encryption. Most folks here will recommend to only use security for border/security devices like keypads and locks.

Do you have a robust mesh of repeating devices?

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You have 2 ghosts. You need to get rid of them. Likely causing your losses..

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I'm a farking ghost hunter... It's all i

scared eric cartman GIF by South Park


If there's something strange... In your neighborhood...
Who you gonna call?
@rlithgow1 !

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Have removed the two ghosts. Will see how things go tonight. Thanks for the help.

Shut down the hub from the settings menu. Unplug the hub at the wall (not the hub) for 5 mins and power back up. This will ensure the z-wave radio is cleared. If it continues, re pair the switch without security.``

I'm telling ya, bad z-wave stuff "typically" falls into only a few categories. Ghosts, Bad device, Chatter, weak mesh. Sometimes its a combination but it's "usually" one of these.

Ghosts: Get rid of them
Bad device: Enjoy playing process of elimination if it's not apparent which one it is
Chatter: Usually zooz and/or s0 security chatter and/or too much power reporting
Weak mesh: Add some farking repeaters. Just because you have a shite ton of mains powered devices doesn't mean you have a strong mesh. Reinforcement is always welcome

I wish I was more adept at the software...(I'm a network engineer so I'm more hardware oriented)


My suggestion would be that in addition to the ghosts, Zwave needs to hit a critical mass of sorts. With only a few devices like you have, things might still might not work perfectly. I don't know if there is an official number you must hit to get a good mesh, but it seems that about a dozen or so devices seems to be where things smooth out for most people.

I would look at the Ring Range Extenders if you want repeaters. Or more switches if you would rather have those to act as repeaters. The nice thing about the Range Extenders is you can move them from outlet to outlet to find an optimal place for enhancing signal strength for the whole network.

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Thanks for the help.

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