Lighting groups

Hi Guys,

With regards lighting groups, can someone explain what ZigBee Group Messaging is and also what is On/Off optimization. When i turn these on/off, I can't see any difference but clearly there is?

Cheers guys

Zigbee group messaging only matters for, of course, Zigbee devices, but it enables the hub to use a "multicast" message to change all devices in the group with a single command rather than one command per device. This creates less traffic on your network and is likely to work better, but presumably the option is there in the event that it is actually worse in your particular situation.

On/off optimization will skip sending an "On" command to devices whose switch state already reports as on or an "Off" command to devices that currently report as "off." If you're using group broadcasting anyway, this probably doesn't matter, but it might help if you have Z-Wave or other devices where you still need a single command per device; this could result in less traffic if some devices are already in the desired state. It does depend on the devices reporting their state back in an accurate (and timely) manner, so you might have better luck with this setting in one position or the other depending on these factors.


Groups and Scenes - Hubitat Documentation should be updated with your description.

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