Light turned off with no physical event

We were sitting around last night watching TV and one of my lights turned off. The device history log shows it was turned off [physical], which is not the case

I did turn it back on right away via the device settings section

The past log only shows today and nothing from previous, unfortunately

Its a GE Dimmer Switch, using the generic z-wave dimmer driver

Thoughts on what might have happened?

Are you using Z-Wave Poller? I had some false physical events with polling, random lights turning on and off that would show physical events like that in device history.

Yes, it was the TV Light

Are you suggesting there is a bug in the Z-Wave Poller?

I don't think there's anything wrong with Poller, it happens if you refresh the devices frequently too. My theory is that something weird happens when you flood the Z-Wave mesh with frequent traffic, but I have nothing firm to back that up. I started a thread (link below) a couple months ago with my experiences. There really wasn't a resolution, so I ended up replacing the couple of devices I relied on for triggers with Plus devices, then setting up rules for the rest (30 devices) to refresh one per minute. Haven't seen any issues since, other than delayed device status updates.

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