Anybody knows if I can get state of door via MyQ of liftmaster p3 security+ 2.0 ?
I installed the MyQ Lite app from Brian, and that does allow me to close and open the door...but I am not sure if it can natively tell me if the door is open or closed. MyQ has that door status, so hopefully it should be coming through till Hubitat app device?
MyQ doesn’t allow 3rd parties to access its door sensor but if you add your own the MyQ Lite app will use it to send door status.
If I add a contact sensor, do you know I will need to change the device driver?
That’s what I’m using, just added it to the app configuration; no other changes.
I see the below states in the device:
I see the "door" state there... is it that this is unreliable at the moment...but once I add a contact sensor, this will begin to update with correct state?
Yes - you will also need to update the app to use the sensor.
I also have a door setup that way and it works great.
I also see that there is a "myq garage door opener-nosensor" and a "myq garage door opener" driver... right now I am using "myq garage door opener-nosensor" driver... will I need to change that driver too, apart from the app setting update?
Yes, I think the change occurs automatically when the change in the app, but am not sure…
Thanks... i'll make this change over next few days and see how it goes
And change the dashboard tile to: Garage Door, template: Garage (Control).
The MyQ Lite integration only works successfully if you use a sensor and do not use the nosensor variant.
I added contact sensor to the app settings...but got error:
"groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: deviceType for class:"
OK, I changed my device driver from "myq garage door opener-nosensor" to "myq garage door opener", and made sure the app had my contact sensor showing, and the error is gone. Just tested and the contact sensor is updating the door status on my device!! Nice.
Now, just need to hack a way to put the contact sensor on the garage shutter door will get to it later today.
Duct tape works fine.
Its more about trying to find which might be the right place to stick the sensor, due to the moving nature of the door. I have almost finalized to use some insulation pink foam for this hacky installation Need to find a slot between my meetings to go and try it out
I have my tilt sensor stuck on the upper panel, then it knows as soon as the door is at least slightly open. A contact sensor could be placed anywhere.
The problem is that there is no clean place for a contact sensor. On the sides, there is not enough place to stick the sensor due to the door wire, and the fact that door slides into the slider frame. I think i will have to resort to putting in a hinge(Very simple way to install your garage door Ring sensor. - YouTube), which I know my wife will hate
Have mine mounted on the top of the door, with the magnet attached to the frame above. It's a narrow miss as the door goes up but clears.
I have an Aeotec Door/Window Sensor 7 mounted in a wood sandwich between the track and the wall, with the magnet on the door frame. It’s mounted about six feet up so the signal doesn’t have to pass through the cars.
I think I tried exactly the same...the problem was that the magnet part connected on the actual door...when door goes up, this magnet gets in the way of the slider door frame rail...hmm, ill try to post a picture
I didn’t say it was easy. I had to use a Dremel tool to open up one of the mounting holes on the side of the garage door’s frame, and mount the magnet through that hole to a piece of wood that I placed in the frame.
You can see it in the first picture if you look closely, the magnet has a black mark on the side that I used to align the mounting of the sensor. Placement was critical and difficult to avoid the hoist cable that ran along the track.