The last few days, life360 hasn't been even close to showing presence upon arrival or when leaving. Tonight, when I arrived home, I had to actually swap modes in HE. I'm not sure when I finally arrived home in life360. My husband arrived home about 10 minutes after he got here. HA! I hit the refresh button, and I just got done dealing with a huge mesh issue, so I don't know if it's something that's still working itself out, or if anyone else is seeing this in the past few days?
I have found this now and then april, I end up bumping the fence out 10-20m and it seems to fix itself for awhile. I am using the community l360 vs the stock one as the stock one would never let me login even with the right credentials (I had the webpage up and logged in, had HE up and it kept saying invalid login).
Hmm .. I"m not entirely convinced that it's HE causing the disconnect. L360 notified me late that my husband was home as well. Just wanted to make sure that I wasn't alone in that. then I think My phone? My internet? My hub?
Well if it was 360 + HE late - then it might be your home net / device.
Best way is to jump in the car and do some testing
Life360 themselves have been having issues for a couple of days now. I've noticed it on both mine and my wife's devices that sometimes, it's SUPER quick and then other times it's been 1~15 minutes delayed. It's not just you.
I wondered. Like I said before, with the issues that were just solved with my system and my new stuff arriving today, I didn't want to hash on anything without asking around if anyone else knew anything. You confirmed my suspicion. I'll wait it out. It's not that big of a deal.
Every time I update or restart my HE hub. I go back in the Life360 connector app and hit done. This usually solve most of my life360 presence issue with 4 of my family phones.
Not sure which is the fault but there is a sync issue I noticed.
So would this be a Life280 or a Life475 issue? I am sure I am a little off in my numbers but it should be adjustable to get it right.
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