LG ThinQ Integration How to add a device

I loaded the LG ThinQ App through Hubitat Pkg Mgr. Got through the steps of authorizing the connection to LG thinQ. Now how do I add the device(s)? I go to add device by brand, and that of course does not show up, but when I go by type of device, I don't know what to choose. Advice of what to select for type of device would be very appreciated.

I just bought their TV, it's pretty amazing and the sound is so realistic. I never hooked it up, but you can search this thread, it's loooooong

PS- the dev left HE so if you have issues, no help

Don’t add a device, go to the Hubitat apps page of your hub UI and add a new app.

You’re adding the Hubitat app this developer created, and when you configure the app, it will create child devices for you.

If you’re still lost, post in the thread linked above, and it’s possible someone that still uses the app can help you.

As already mentioned, the developer doesn’t support this code anymore so it’s possible you could run into issues that are not resolvable.