Leviton VRR15-1LZ - how to add to new hub

First time poster and hoping I put this is the correct location for assistance, thank you in advance!

I'm new to Hubitat and coming from Wink a while ago. I've managed to get everything configured but a Leviton VRR15-1LZ zwave outlet. It worked great with Wink but I don't see an option for it on Hubitat unless I should use a generic z-Wave outlet of some sort?

I tried to provide a link but i'm not able to it says.

Thank you in advance!


Welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

I'm not familiar with your device however does the generic Z-wave outlet provide the function you require? If it does then you should be good to go.

In general the Hubitat folks will not make a driver for a specific device if the Generic one does the job. In this case don't relate "generic" as the cheap no brand". Generic drivers operate a number of similar devices. In many cases the driver will use the device fingerprint to make modifications in how the driver treats a specific device. I guess this makes the driver quasi-Generic.

thank you for the response JohnRob! I wasn't able to get it to recognize the device. Do you have any suggestions for a zwave outlet by chance?

Thank you for your time.

I've not used any receptacles but I have a similar Leviton dimmer modules and they've been working for a number of years.

Ignoring the driver for now. When you say the Hub was not able to recognize the device, do you mean you put the hub in the inclusion mode (i.e. discovery) and there was nothing "found"?

Do you have a copy of the manual? if not look here

How close was the Hub to the receptacle?

I pushed the reset button on the outlet per the website instructions and it started flashing amber. At that point I put the Hubitat in inclusion mode and it never picked it up. This device worked perfectly with my Wink hub etc. The hub is only about 25' away but I even put a Ring chime between the two to expand the zwave network and it still didn't pick it up.

The instructions I saw from Leviton said the hub had to be very close to the receptacle.

I don't know if your receptacle supports network wide inclusion. i.e. inclusion through a repeater.

You should start the Hub in the inclusion mode before starting the receptacle.
