Leviton VRCS4 Switch status LED

I purchased a VRCS4 controller which is supported in Hubitat. I want this controller to simply turn on and off light 1,2,3,4. Also need an all-on and all-off function. I successfully configured all these functions using the up and dn buttons for all-on all-off. The switches are Zigbee onoff controllers. Every function works perfectly except the LED button indicator lights. They do not follow the actual condition of the switch. I would appreciate any ideas from the community.

I'm sorry, I don't understand. How would the status lights know the status of the other device, which can be controlled from other places than this remote, correct? If you want the status lights to match, you would have to always control this button instead of the device you have it linked to.

The reason I think this is possible is because the specification for this device states "LED illuminates when the controlled scene is active or when one load is on in any zone (area)" . Maybe I have not set it up correctly. I was hoping someone could help.

But you are not turning on any Lutron Scenes or tying that button to zone in the Lutron system. So, how would the lutron system know either of those things?

Drivers in other systems allow you to control the leds in the scene controller. I don’t believe Hubitat allows for this.

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